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ob3d guide  XML
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Joined: 01/03/2007 14:35:55
Messages: 844
Location: United States, DC

I have windows xp and 3d does not work for me.

Jens Oso


Joined: 31/07/2007 11:38:45
Messages: 274
Location: 916

jossc wrote:hi i have a new pc

i downloaded ob3d and updated but after that first box comes up with resolution and stuff and i press ok nothing happens

please help

i had that a while ago it turned out that i just forgot to set up physX then it worked...

Status: Active
Accounts: Jon Oso, Jens Oso
Gym: ChuteBoxe
Date Joined: 03-04-2007
Championships: 2 time OBF Champion and Former OBA Champion
#19 Jens Oso
Status: Inactive
Accounts: Jens Pulver
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