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Joined: 05/01/2007 15:36:43
Messages: 1488

sterlihalla wrote:man is oscar annoying lol all that essay for what? lol

you wouldn't understand, you probably don't even know what coursework is or what contributing means. If you think that's an essay then you seriously need help.
Me and Jigsaw have talked about it he understands, and I understand what he meant, we are friends just a bit of banter, nothing to do with you at all.

Don't spam in this thread it's not what it's for.

To all people waiting I WILL get about 4 or 5 done tommorrow maybe more Sorry to keep you waiting.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 31/08/2007 20:21:59

Oscar De La Hoya 1025 - 842



Joined: 26/02/2007 02:43:49
Messages: 595
Location: Canada

im not even josh'n right now, but i actually think reaper might be handicapped


OB NAME: catfish

Wins:2707 Losses:1369 Draws:21 KO's:2660
KO RATIO: 64.92%

Titles Won: 12
Defences: 3

Best KO Ratio Based On 2000+ Wins:
1 Nigel Benn 80.26%
2 Mike Tyson 79.96%
3 Fatny 77.78%
4 Black Bear 72.43
5 john/Demonjabber/James A. Braddock 70.51
6 Here To FIght/Newguy 68.93%
7 Unstoppable 68.85%
8 Red Viper 69.78%
9 catfish 64.92% <------Sexiness prevails.
10 Reaper 64.86%

Started playing: November 15th, 2005

i eat little white boys
"i got a fever, and the only prescription, is more cowbell"
"rofl dofl with springles on top" -words of Reaper

Don't ever forget me.

[Email] [MSN]

Joined: 30/01/2007 01:38:10
Messages: 953


This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 16/10/2008 06:26:34


Joined: 30/01/2007 01:38:10
Messages: 953

. .

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 16/10/2008 06:26:16



Joined: 05/01/2007 15:36:43
Messages: 1488

Ye man - Done the main BxA sig if you want a different one post saying what you want

Cant Tuch Me - will be done tonight .

Jigsaw - Will be done tonight.

Pats - will be done tonight.

Smashing Machine - Talk to you on msn

Eddie - not seen you in a few days, if you still want one post again as I don't know whether you have quit.

Skillz - Will do it tonight.

TKO - Will do it tonight.

Flash - Will do it tonight.

6 to do tonight, probably finish them around 9pm English time

# Stop spamming this thread #

Oscar De La Hoya 1025 - 842



Joined: 07/10/2006 11:34:33
Messages: 325

kool oscar thanxs thats all for now cheers man


OB clan: none at the min
OB name: ye man and old stile
OB champ: 2 time OBA
OB rank: class C+
OB objective: to become a champion again
OB status: active

Ray Johnson


Joined: 10/01/2007 13:36:12
Messages: 1983

Oscar wrote:Ye man - Done the main BxA sig if you want a different one post saying what you want

Cant Tuch Me - will be done tonight .

Jigsaw - Will be done tonight.

Pats - will be done tonight.

Smashing Machine - Talk to you on msn

Eddie - not seen you in a few days, if you still want one post again as I don't know whether you have quit.

Skillz - Will do it tonight.

TKO - Will do it tonight.

Flash - Will do it tonight.

6 to do tonight, probably finish them around 9pm English time

# Stop spamming this thread #

Ok i'll take a um... red theme and messy background and a picture of.... mike tyson, yeah i want mike tyson ther. and have it by tommorow else i'll whine like a girl for taking precious time out of your day to contribute something nobody has asked you to do. and i want it fast i dont have all day n i cant be waiting for u forever you know, i got a LIFE i gotta do otha things u no, so hurry up.

Just kidding, just wanted to say thanks for the ace sig, again. I realised the improvement you made on your work when i was looking at your old ones. Not that they suck, but these are much better


Joined: 05/01/2007 15:36:43
Messages: 1488

Thanks Ray

Will have these done tonight ( by that I mean before i go to bed), if you want it done quicker, do my coursework Analysis sucks

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 01/09/2007 16:50:44

Oscar De La Hoya 1025 - 842



Joined: 05/01/2007 15:36:43
Messages: 1488

Quote and copy and paste the code I likes it....more to come.

Oscar De La Hoya 1025 - 842


Joined: 01/03/2007 14:35:55
Messages: 844
Location: United States, DC

thank you man its ACE!



Joined: 16/08/2007 18:39:36
Messages: 27

u can take as long as u wont on mine think u for taking the time a making one for me



Joined: 05/01/2007 15:36:43
Messages: 1488

Is there any particular pic you want on your sig?

Oscar De La Hoya 1025 - 842



Joined: 16/08/2007 18:39:36
Messages: 27

not realley jest get somethink that would be allsome think about cant tuch me think about the name idk lol do what ever and i waz wouldering when u have time would u tach me how to make one



Joined: 16/08/2007 18:39:36
Messages: 27

not realley jest get somethink that would be allsome think about cant tuch me think about the name idk lol do what ever and i waz wouldering when u have time would u tach me how to make one



Joined: 05/01/2007 15:36:43
Messages: 1488

Quote then copy and paste the code into your sig

Hope you like I thought Hatman and Pacman was similar so....

Oscar De La Hoya 1025 - 842

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