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Forum Index » General discussions
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Joined: 18/04/2006 14:22:37
Messages: 907
Location: Manchester , England

Guys Mikkel is just one guy not a team of programmers, lets just give him time to come up with the solutions to our gripes instead of making endless posts on the fact that the game isn't running as we all want it to be at the moment.

I'm sure that the game will be smoothed out soon and it will be back to a form which pleases most (it's very hard to please everyone!). But until then let's not take up all the board with countless posts about it. If you have something to add then by all means do but add it to a simular post, there is no need to keep making new ones.

There is a whole sub section of this forum dedicated to "Techinal issues", I shall make a post in there and you can all post in that one from now on.



PS. I have moved Tyrants "Major glitch" thread over to the sub forum, post in there any gripes you have. I moved this as it does contain the most opinions upto this point from you guys. I have edited a few quotes in there also for you guys to read.

This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at 19/07/2006 02:51:10

/** Call this method when you want to play OB.*/
public void playOb() {
while(moreBeers()) {
if(sleepy) {
}else {
ONLINE BOXING NAME = don_king_promotions

menicaha behaniclo

/** Call this method when you are dealing with users.*/
stock HandleUsers()
for ( new i = 0, j = GetUsers(); i < j; i ++
if ( !IsUserConnected( i continue;
switch ( GetUserState( i
case USER_STATE_SPAMMER : RemoveUserPost( i;
case USER_STATE_IDIOT : WarnUser( i;
case USER_STATE_TOUGHGUY : LaughAtUser( i;
default : IgnoreUser( i;
return 1;
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