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Bold As Love


Joined: 07/07/2006 18:47:45
Messages: 140

For starters-

Im not a ducker... If I have a title all you have to do is challenge me.. I will fight you


I will fight some one regardless of if I win or lose.. Just challenge me the only reason I will not fight some one is if I am about to have to leave. Just test me.. Challenge me. Dont say **** till then..

I dont think I am the best at this game by far...

Just that I have the most skill.....

For god sakes.. I hate losing but I will still say Good fight after every time.. People who dont do that have no room to talk..
P.s.. I love losing

O/B-Mike Tyson

I build minds... just to break them.



Joined: 18/04/2006 17:13:32
Messages: 904

ok... Sig is now removed!!!

~*~oOo~*~ <--- You can look but you cant touch!!!!

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