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Joined: 25/03/2009 13:27:09
Messages: 3

I just downloaded this, went online once and had a fight for a few rounds, then it java crashed. Now there's no players online. Is this a bug or just bad timing. How many players are usually playing this game online?

Joined: 18/04/2006 06:15:39
Messages: 1584

Not many



Joined: 19/04/2006 11:00:44
Messages: 1394
Location: Buffalo,NY

Lol, that's a bad response for a new player.
You could've atleast said "it's not prime time" or something haha.

Title History
42xOB Champ


Joined: 18/04/2006 06:15:39
Messages: 1584

Ok..its not prime time about 22 hours a day. Then theres about 2 hours prime time with about 2-5 players online. Then during xmas holiday its not uncommon to see 5-7 people online, whereas two are fighting the rest are falling asleep.


Joined: 25/03/2009 13:27:09
Messages: 3

Jeez.. That's not many people I'm kinda surprised. The game is real good though, very good boxing simulator. But it's unstable at the moment, is it a temp thing or has it always been unstable? It seems to slow down badly, freeze and occasionally crash. Shame because it's a great game when it works right.

Joined: 18/04/2006 06:15:39
Messages: 1584

Gargantua wrote:Jeez.. That's not many people I'm kinda surprised. The game is real good though, very good boxing simulator. But it's unstable at the moment, is it a temp thing or has it always been unstable? It seems to slow down badly, freeze and occasionally crash. Shame because it's a great game when it works right.

These things depends on your connection or your computer. If you have a 2001 computer, more or less forget about this will be too slow. If you have a bad connection or try to heavily download while playing, forget it too. But under optimal circumstances (fast connection,fast computer) you should experience nothing of the above.
Another problem is, your opponent can drag down the speed if his connection or computer is slow.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 25/03/2009 17:49:33


Joined: 18/04/2006 06:15:39
Messages: 1584

Well it was a little better today..10 people online in 2D at one time..3d was slow, i counted 4 online at one point.


Joined: 18/04/2006 06:15:39
Messages: 1584

Here's three ours of chat just for fun..will give you a pretty good idea what OB's about
* Welcome to Online Boxing !
* baby ko went online
* Red Viper is starting a fight !
* The Rocky is starting a fight !
* Steven Seagal went online
Steven Seagal> oh people on
* Wolski went online
* Say hello to the new champ.. The Rocky !
* The Rocky just gained 76 points !
* Red Viper just lost 76 points !
* Dope Game went online
* OB Great went online
* Red Viper went online
* YOU SUCK went online
* Steven Seagal went online
* Wolski went online
* The Rocky went online
* Cuthbert went online
Dope Game> R.I.P VIPER
* Cuthbert went offline
* Cuthbert went online
Dope Game> R.I.P VIPER
The Rocky> gf but you can basicalloy fuck off viper for breaking you word on me
Cuthbert> damn viper..whats going on here? you lose everything tonight.
Dope Game> yeah viper
Dope Game> fuck off
Dope Game> retire
OB Great> Vipers the shit
Dope Game> jump off aa bridge
Cuthbert> viper is too nervous i guess.
The Rocky> OB Great your a scumbag liar
Cuthbert> i know the problem.
Dope Game> Vipers the shit in spanish hes the caca
Red Viper> no, I am just mad
The Rocky> and a coward hiding behind new nick
Cuthbert> caca?
OB Great> Rocky u know what u have to do to be Superchamp
Cuthbert> lmao
OB Great> so im here is u want it
Red Viper> yeah gf
The Rocky> you know what you have to do to get match against me
Dope Game> IM SPMexi girls think im sexy
The Rocky> LOG ON YOUR MAIN lol
The Rocky> and that's something you dont have guts to do
* Dope Game went offline
* Dope Game went online
Cuthbert> they are lying dope game.
Cuthbert> lol
OB Great> u want the SuperChamp status
OB Great> 5
OB Great> 4
OB Great> 3
The Rocky> nope
OB Great> 2
OB Great> 1
* Wolski went offline
The Rocky> I could not care less
OB Great> lol
Dope Game> Fuck 50 fuck DRE fuck NWA man im hurricane game
Dope Game>
Cuthbert> what?
OB Great> lol
The Rocky> I am not boxing some guy who is not only scumbag liar but also lacks self confidence (hiding)
OB Great> who wants a shot
OB Great> im open for challenges
Cuthbert> i dont want a shot.
OB Great> since Rocky wont fight anyone know for 3 months, lol
The Rocky> I am boxing everyone
Cuthbert> i dont want a title at the moment.
Dope Game> what room?
OB Great> lets find out
The Rocky> you know what you have to do to get a match OB
OB Great> dont know let me check
The Rocky> you know what you have to do to get a match OB
The Rocky> you know what you have to do to get a match OB
The Rocky> you know what you have to do to get a match OB
OB Great> OBA or Tourney
OB Great> u pick
The Rocky> we are all waiting for you to stop hiding and log on your main
Dope Game> ok
Dope Game> OBA
OB Great> ok
* Dope Game went offline
* OB Great went offline
* Dope Game went online
* Dope Game went offline
* OB Great went online
OB Great> I think Red killed himself
Cuthbert> hey lost all your belts tonight?
Red Viper> I am stiill here
Cuthbert> you lost em all?
Red Viper> no I am not going to kill myself
The Rocky> yeah go kill yourself
Red Viper> I just disgraced this game
* Dope Game went online
OB Great> good i was a little nervous
Dope Game> if u guys want to see a real title match go to oba not some pussy shit that viper put up
Cuthbert> lol
Dope Game>
* Dope Game went offline
* OB Great went offline
Cuthbert> lol to ob great.
Cuthbert> viper?
The Rocky> he is boxing himself lol
Red Viper> what
* The Rocky went offline
Cuthbert> lost 2 belts tonight?
Red Viper> yeah
Cuthbert> damn shit..i was with you.
Red Viper> I hate being a champ
Cuthbert> i wished that you can get all titles.
Red Viper> now becuase of that
Cuthbert> do it like i do...dont fight title matches anymore.
Cuthbert> i do that shit for over 2 month now.
Red Viper> Titles are bullshit
Cuthbert> my words.
Red Viper> because I gave Vargas a shot, now I will get hated for this
Cuthbert> its not the only thing. if you dont give everyone a shot they hate yuo.
Red Viper> yeah its all bullshit
* Say hello to the new champ.. The Rocky !
* The Rocky went online
Cuthbert> if you give good ppl shots they say that they were easy meat.
Cuthbert> etc.
The Rocky> well I am not unfied champion or whatever it is called
Cuthbert> its just sucks.
The Rocky> 3 out of 4 belts
Red Viper> yep
The Rocky> and Red Viper fuck you
The Rocky> for real
The Rocky> and you know why
Red Viper> like I a give a fuck,
Steven Seagal> k u had extremely much stamina in the end
Red Viper> this game is not my life
Steven Seagal> might tweak it a bit
The Rocky> ofcource I had it is called not getting hit and not spamming
The Rocky> you go tweak it less skilled boxers get screwed
Steven Seagal> it was me saynig it
Cuthbert> you change it again mikkel?
Steven Seagal> seems like the best are still the best
Steven Seagal> dunno yet
The Rocky> the heck if Red Viper had not broken his word I would be super champ right now as we speak
Cuthbert> dont change too much...
Steven Seagal> maybe they just had a very gay fight
Cuthbert> now the ppl are knowing that system.
Steven Seagal> yea for sure
Steven Seagal> dont worry
Cuthbert> k
Steven Seagal> redneck ?
Cuthbert> yes
Cuthbert> lol
Steven Seagal> k
Red Viper> you think its so easy of keeping a word when more than one person wants a shot, it isn't
The Rocky> Mikkel stamina never goes down against Red Viper. There are not lot of punches done at all
Steven Seagal> they had full life in round 5
Steven Seagal> roudn 15
Cuthbert> but they did not spam that much.
Steven Seagal> k
The Rocky> Viper all you had to do was to wait till my match with Trpche was over
Steven Seagal> that dont sound like viper
Cuthbert> really man..if i spam like hell my stamina is gone in the 3th round.
Steven Seagal> k
Red Viper> both ways, i will gain enemies
Steven Seagal> well then it better stays
The Rocky> and I was planning to do something fun with the titles... -.-
The Rocky> ask Trpche
The Rocky> he knows what
Steven Seagal> release them ?
The Rocky> no
Steven Seagal> ive them all to trepcke ?
The Rocky> no
Cuthbert> give them all to me?
Steven Seagal> to toosmoot ?
The Rocky> give all 4 to different people who are NOT HOF or extremely skilled
The Rocky> so they get some fun
Cuthbert> so you can held them.
Steven Seagal> as long as they are active
The Rocky> no I would have retired myself from rankings
The Rocky> after working all 4 mathces
Cuthbert> but guys like vargas will take them in 1-2 days from them away.
Steven Seagal> so there were people online today after all
Cuthbert> i got 2 days that week noone was here...
Cuthbert> today is a good day.
The Rocky> well they dont have to go and box vargas immediately
Cuthbert> vargas will come with a new alt know that.
The Rocky> Trpche, John, Captain America and Red Viper would have been my picks
Red Viper> for what
Cuthbert> for the not very skilled new title holders viper.
The Rocky> for my 4 kings
The Rocky> lol no redneck
Cuthbert> scroll up viper.
The Rocky> for the not HOF level unfair skill new title holders
Cuthbert> and not no
Red Viper> for what
Cuthbert> hahaha
Cuthbert> you are diplomatic rocky.
* OB Great went online
Red Viper> Today just was not a good day for me
* Dope Game went online
The Rocky> Epic fail
Cuthbert> i beat everyone of them more than they beat me but viper.
Dope Game> im out everyone
OB Great> later
OB Great> gfs
Dope Game> gf
Cuthbert> dont know that rocky?
Dope Game> at least i beat u once lol
OB Great> yea
* Dope Game went offline
The Rocky> well that's good for you Redneck
* OB Great went offline
The Rocky> and no I did not know that
Cuthbert> but i dont want a title...
The Rocky> and it would have made it interesting
Cuthbert> dont give one to me. stay on this ones.
* Red Viper went offline
* Red Viper went online
The Rocky> I am not giving titles away as long as that lame hiding liar OB Great has one
Cuthbert> lol
The Rocky> I can not believe what he did to Red Viper
Red Viper> I'll take it back
Red Viper> I broke a deal before, it wasn't the first time
The Rocky> ok good to know you can not be trusted
Cuthbert> oh..i know now. he promised you the unify-thing and he fought vargas before?
Red Viper> with titles is not easy
Red Viper> because everyone wants a piece at it
The Rocky> no OB Great is not Vargs
Cuthbert> he is not?
Red Viper> or I will be called a a Coward
The Rocky> Vargas alts was OB's Great
The Rocky> not OB Great
Cuthbert> who is it?
The Rocky> some idiot HOF hiding
Cuthbert> maybe sal
The Rocky> that's possible
Cuthbert> he is the greates idiot on HOF. i guess he is it.
Red Viper> huh
Red Viper> I thought he's Vargas
The Rocky> Yeah well he is not
Cuthbert> i think its sal.
Cuthbert> sal is coming this year every month with a new alt.
Cuthbert> if i recognize him
Cuthbert> he says thinks like "ok, you got are right."
The Rocky> sal also gets beaten a lot
Red Viper> I been beaten him a lot recently
The Rocky> and then he goes and post - I dont play it is not me
Red Viper> most of his losses were againse me
Cuthbert> lol rocky.
Cuthbert> that sounds like him.
Red Viper> you know what I just said
The Rocky> VArgas outed him
The Rocky> his alts
Cuthbert> but its unfair to vargas, too because everyone thinks that it is vargas behind this name.
Cuthbert> what games do this guy play?
The Rocky> Vargas needs to stop crying too. He lost a title shot, then wanted more and got more changes and got KTFO again
The Rocky> and still he keeps crying
Red Viper> what does this game illistrates
Cuthbert> hahaha...i dont understand all that hype behind this titles.
Cuthbert> i keep ignoring them.
The Rocky> he even said he does not want more after getting destroyed and days later comes back crying
The Rocky> for more
Red Viper> Titles been a joke recently becasue I am glad I lost them
The Rocky> Titles are not a joke
Red Viper> Nigel has a good point
Cuthbert> lol. i know the feeling viper.
The Rocky> there is just too much politics
Cuthbert> its like beeing free again.
The Rocky> there is just too much politics
The Rocky> there is just too much politics
Red Viper> yeah but I feel the badguy when I have a belt
The Rocky> Well learn to ignore people
Cuthbert> afk for a few mins.
The Rocky> Here is how you should do it viper
Red Viper> ok
The Rocky> Tell whiners:I am the champ, I call the shots so keep crying more it wont help your case
The Rocky> and then IGNORE them if they continue and I mean IGNORE their very existance
Red Viper> this is what I don't like about this game- childesh players
The Rocky> log off or minimize ob window
Red Viper> edder has no business of putting me down
The Rocky> I am putting you down and I have a reason to. I am so sorry but you not only fucked your own changes
Red Viper> yeah I deserved it though
The Rocky> but fucked me too in a way because I came here just to box you
Red Viper> NO, I just got fucked over
Red Viper> too many times
The Rocky> and only reason that OB Great did that to you
The Rocky> was to stop me from becoming super champ
Red Viper> OB Great is going to be dead for fucking me over
The Rocky> jesus christ now I got to log on ofthen just to defend so that I dont get stripped
The Rocky> while waiting FOREVER for shot at last belt
Red Viper> that would suck if you got stripped
The Rocky> like I even have time for this. I was about to do it now and be done with it -.-
Red Viper> Now I just want to destroy OB Great
Red Viper> and break him into pieces
Cuthbert> good to see you got new goals to archieve.
The Rocky> Maybe I should go and do it myself.
Red Viper> Nope, I will
Cuthbert> lol
The Rocky> are you sure?
Red Viper> I beat him twice today
The Rocky> because just tell me if you are not confident enough and I will go destroy him
Red Viper> Today I am not confident
Red Viper> I took his title
Red Viper> in here
The Rocky> ok
The Rocky> Well in that case I'll wait and see what happens
Cuthbert> he run away for tonight this ob great?
Red Viper> Most of his losses were agaisnt me
Red Viper> and he calls you a bum
The Rocky> what else do you expect
The Rocky> I call him a bum plus liar plus insecure
Cuthbert> yo viper..i just watched pans were right, its a great movie.
Red Viper> rating says it all
Red Viper> now I am going to make a seperate post for OB GReat
Cuthbert> yes. great entertainment.
* TKOknockout went online
TKOknockout> wat up everyone
The Rocky> pretty ok
The Rocky> how are you TKO?
TKOknockout> im alright
TKOknockout> been out for a while now
The Rocky> good good
TKOknockout> decided to come back
The Rocky> get back into action
The Rocky> yeah
TKOknockout> saturday imma be active
The Rocky> lol you have same ping atm
TKOknockout> i kno
TKOknockout> saturday im gettin road runner installed
The Rocky> Hey Mikkel
The Rocky> why an earth do I not have buttong for single player in my client
The Rocky> and yes I did redownload the client
The Rocky> did you add code NO SINGLE PLAYER PRACTICE for Rocky marciano or what
The Rocky> is going on
TKOknockout> lol
Cuthbert> singleplayer is removed.
The Rocky> why
Cuthbert> dont know.
The Rocky> uh
Cuthbert> but its for everyone the same.
The Rocky> ok
The Rocky> good to know
TKOknockout> imma problary be washed up lol
The Rocky> well I am off for now
Red Viper> making the post right now
* The Rocky went offline
TKOknockout> wat post?
Cuthbert> ok i am off, too. cya guys.
Red Viper> that OB Great screwed me over
TKOknockout> oo
TKOknockout> c ya
Red Viper> and I want to destroy him
Cuthbert> viper...i dont wanna do the series tonight with you. i think you are wounded right now. tomorrow again?
TKOknockout> lol u alwayz have beef wit someone
Red Viper> yeah
Cuthbert> ok cya.
Red Viper> too many childesh players, thats why
Red Viper> cya
* Cuthbert went offline
TKOknockout> when i left u had beef wit profs
Red Viper> becasue hes a childesh player
TKOknockout> i cant wait till saturday
Red Viper> who challenged you
TKOknockout> no one
Red Viper> ok
TKOknockout> everyone gonna fear me
TKOknockout> lol
TKOknockout> is HTF still active?
Red Viper> sometimes
TKOknockout> oo
* Clubber Lang went online
Red Viper> I am just tired of childesh players
* Clubber Lang is starting a fight !
* Red Viper is starting a fight !
* baby ko went offline
* baby ko went online
* baby ko went offline
* baby ko went online
* Red Viper KO�ed Clubber Lang in 2
* Red Viper just gained 31 points !
* Red Viper went online
* Clubber Lang went online
* TKOknockout went online
* Red Viper is starting a fight !
* Clubber Lang is starting a fight !
* Red Viper KO�ed Clubber Lang in 2
* Red Viper just gained 31 points !
* Red Viper went online
* Clubber Lang went online
* TKOknockout went online
* Red Viper is starting a fight !
* Clubber Lang is starting a fight !
* Clubber Lang went offline
* Red Viper went online
* SnowGlide went online
Red Viper> target terminated
* Red Viper is starting a fight !
* SnowGlide is starting a fight !
* Challenge from baby ko
* baby ko is starting a fight !
* TKOknockout is starting a fight !
* Red Viper TKO�ed SnowGlide in 2
* Red Viper went online
* SnowGlide went online
* Challenge from SnowGlide
* Red Viper is starting a fight !
* SnowGlide is starting a fight !
* SnowGlide went offline
* Red Viper went online
Red Viper> nows hes daed
Red Viper> dead
Red Viper> ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
* Red Viper went offline
* Red Viper went online
* TheMadMan went online
TheMadMan> viper you there
TheMadMan> with your rank 1 :
* TheMadMan is starting a fight !
* Red Viper is starting a fight !
* baby ko TKO�ed TKOknockout in 4
* TKOknockout went online
* baby ko went online
baby ko> gf
TKOknockout> gf u only won cause of ma lag
baby ko> lol
baby ko> lol
baby ko> rm
baby ko> ur easy
* TKOknockout went online
TKOknockout> rm saturday
TKOknockout> when i get ma good ping
baby ko> lol
TKOknockout> ma ping suck right now
baby ko> ur suck
TKOknockout> ur suck
TKOknockout> that doesnt make sense
baby ko> lol
TKOknockout> dumb ass
baby ko> lol
* Red Viper TKO�ed TheMadMan in 2
* Red Viper went online
* TheMadMan went online
TheMadMan> AHHHH!!!!!!
TKOknockout> viper
Red Viper> what
TheMadMan> rematch
* baby ko went offline
* baby ko went online
TKOknockout> y he scream lol
Red Viper> because he got terminated
TheMadMan> caus ei had him
TKOknockout> lol
TheMadMan> and i fucknig blew it
Red Viper> now ready to be annilated
* TheMadMan is starting a fight !
* Red Viper is starting a fight !
* Grande Gringo went online
* TKOknockout went online
* Grande Gringo went online
baby ko> tko peace
baby ko> les box
baby ko> ah
* Red Viper TKO�ed TheMadMan in 1
* Red Viper went online
* TheMadMan went online
TheMadMan> but you know what is geting me
TheMadMan> them damn short hooks
Red Viper> I already know
* baby ko is starting a fight !
* Red Viper is starting a fight !
* baby ko went online
TheMadMan> you can keep at a nice good speed with them
* Red Viper went offline
* Red Viper went online
baby ko> rs
TheMadMan> but se what i dont get
TheMadMan> soemtimes i catch you first with the short hook
baby ko> rs
TheMadMan> but you still hook right throug hit
Red Viper> So
* Red Viper is starting a fight !
* baby ko is starting a fight !
* Grande Gringo went online
* Grande Gringo went offline
* Grande Gringo went online
* Grande Gringo is starting a fight !
* TheMadMan is starting a fight !
* Red Viper KO�ed baby ko in 2
* Red Viper went online
* baby ko went online
baby ko> gf
Red Viper> gf
* TheMadMan went offline
baby ko> but luc
* Red Viper is starting a fight !
* baby ko is starting a fight !
* TheMadMan went online
TheMadMan> anyone else here?
* Grande Gringo went offline
TKOknockout> i am
TKOknockout> but im not fightin
* Wolski went online
TheMadMan> well your 140 ping anyway
TKOknockout> exaclty y im not fightin
TheMadMan> what
TheMadMan> you downlaoding soemthing
TKOknockout> nah its jus this slow cpu
TheMadMan> whats up with this teven seagal guy
TheMadMan> with his fake ass record
TKOknockout> im gettin road runner saturday
TKOknockout> thats mikkel
* Red Viper TKO�ed baby ko in 2
* Red Viper went online
* baby ko went online
baby ko> gf
Red Viper> gf
Red Viper> wtf is road runner
TheMadMan> me again red :
TheMadMan> road runner is cable modem
* Red Viper is starting a fight !
* TheMadMan is starting a fight !
TKOknockout> yea
* Challenge from Wolski
* TheMadMan TKO�ed Red Viper in 1
Wolski> rs
* Red Viper went online
* TheMadMan went online
* Red Viper is starting a fight !
* TheMadMan is starting a fight !
* baby ko is starting a fight !
* Wolski is starting a fight !
* Red Viper KO�ed TheMadMan in 1
* Red Viper went online
* TheMadMan went online
TheMadMan> oh come on
TheMadMan> 1 punch knock out : (
TheMadMan> ill brb on faster comptuer k
* TheMadMan went offline
* TheMadMan went online
* Red Viper is starting a fight !
* TheMadMan is starting a fight !
* baby ko TKO�ed Wolski in 1
* baby ko went online
* Wolski went online
baby ko> gf
* baby ko is starting a fight !
* Wolski is starting a fight !
* TheMadMan KO�ed Red Viper in 1
* Red Viper went online
* TheMadMan went online
TheMadMan> thing aobut his comptuer
TheMadMan> not much of a diff
TheMadMan> but faster loading and faster reaction
* Red Viper is starting a fight !
* TheMadMan is starting a fight !
Red Viper> don't call me shit
TKOknockout> ?
* john went online
* Red Viper KO�ed TheMadMan in 1
* Red Viper went online
* TheMadMan went online
Red Viper> now don't put me down
john> wakawaka
TheMadMan> i never put you down
john> wakawaka
TheMadMan> what the hell is gonig throguh your head?
john> wakawaka
Red Viper> Too many people fuck me over in this game
Red Viper> thats what
john> wakawaka
john> wakawaka
Red Viper> especilally with titles
john> wakawaka
TheMadMan> i was tellnig you the difference
john> wakawaka
TheMadMan> with my betetr comptuer
john> wakawaka
* Red Viper is starting a fight !
* TheMadMan is starting a fight !
john> wakawaka
john> wakawaka
john> wakawaka
john> sorry im bored
* Red Viper TKO�ed TheMadMan in 1
* TheMadMan went online
* Red Viper went online
Red Viper> I am just mad
TheMadMan> what do you mean fuck you
TheMadMan> or by being fucked?
john> wakawaka
john> wakawaka
john> wakawaka
TheMadMan> when have i ever fucked you over?
Red Viper> Heres what I mean
john> wakawaka
Red Viper> Many people try to screw me over in this game
* Grande Gringo went online
john> how?
TheMadMan> yeah how
TheMadMan> you dont even barly talk
Red Viper> when I try make deals with people, someone fucks it up
john> lmao
john> red talks alot
Red Viper> OB Great just fucked up my deal, when me and Rocky made a deal
Red Viper> thats why
john> whos OB Great
TheMadMan> well
Red Viper> and he lied to me
TheMadMan> thats all about people
Red Viper> Vargas, I think
TheMadMan> has nothnig to do with you or the game
TheMadMan> 95% of people are bullshitters
TKOknockout> sup john
john> sup TKO
TheMadMan> i thoguht you met
TheMadMan> fucknig you ove riwht my double hook ko
john> longtime no see
TheMadMan> like as in geting fucked over by a ko
TheMadMan> cause alot of times
TKOknockout> i kno =p
TheMadMan> ko's arent supsoe to happen by 1 punch ending
TKOknockout> imma be active on saturday
TheMadMan> normally has to be a extra added while falling
Red Viper> now OB Great is a subject of target
TheMadMan> can we fight again red
* baby ko TKO�ed Wolski in 3
Red Viper> si
* baby ko went online
* Wolski went online
* TheMadMan is starting a fight !
* Red Viper is starting a fight !
baby ko> gf
* john is starting a fight !
* baby ko is starting a fight !
Grande Gringo> gl
Grande Gringo> or not
* Challenge from Wolski
* TheMadMan TKO�ed Red Viper in 1
* TheMadMan went online
* Red Viper went online
Wolski> rs
* TheMadMan is starting a fight !
* Red Viper is starting a fight !
Wolski> rs
* Wolski is starting a fight !
* Grande Gringo is starting a fight !
* Red Viper TKO�ed TheMadMan in 1
* Red Viper went online
* TheMadMan went online
TheMadMan> haha damn it
* Dope Game went online
Dope Game> damn
* Wolski KO�ed Grande Gringo in 1
* Grande Gringo went online
* Wolski went online
Dope Game> viper lost both titles fucking embarising..
Grande Gringo> gf
Red Viper> yeah, so
TheMadMan> who hasnt?
Dope Game> who is involving you?
TheMadMan> everyone whos got them
TheMadMan> lost them
* Grande Gringo is starting a fight !
* Wolski is starting a fight !
* Dope Game went offline
* Dope Game went online
Red Viper> I seen you wrote bullshit that I suck
TheMadMan> bring it on bitch
TheMadMan> resend
Dope Game> You do suck
Red Viper> then fight me
TheMadMan> dope your jsut being abitch
TheMadMan> he dont suck
TheMadMan> look
Dope Game> bullshit
TheMadMan> grande sucks ok
* Dope Game is starting a fight !
* TheMadMan is starting a fight !
Red Viper> challenge sent, coward
Dope Game> fuck u hold on
Red Viper> keep talking and you'll unleash the Viper
* Dope Game KO�ed TheMadMan in 1
* TheMadMan went online
* Dope Game went online
Dope Game> no MadMan sucks
* TheMadMan is starting a fight !
* Dope Game is starting a fight !
TheMadMan> that wa ssome lucky ass bullshit and you know it
* TheMadMan TKO�ed Dope Game in 1
* TheMadMan just gained 47 points !
* Dope Game just lost 43 points !
* Red Viper went online
* TheMadMan went online
* Dope Game went online
* Dope Game is starting a fight !
* TheMadMan is starting a fight !
Dope Game> stfu viper
Red Viper> uh huh, more stupidity
Red Viper> you lost to MadMan, how embarrassing
TKOknockout> lol
* TheMadMan TKO�ed Dope Game in 1
* TheMadMan just gained 1 points !
* Red Viper went online
* TheMadMan went online
* Dope Game went online
TheMadMan> 4 knock downs 1 round
* Dope Game is starting a fight !
* TheMadMan is starting a fight !
Dope Game> stfu TKO you and your laggy ass
Red Viper> all you do curse, not cool
* john KO�ed baby ko in 5
* john just gained 43 points !
* baby ko just lost 26 points !
* baby ko went online
* john went online
Red Viper> all you do is curse, not cool
baby ko> gf
* Dope Game KO�ed TheMadMan in 1
* Dope Game just gained 47 points !
* TheMadMan just lost 47 points !
john> gf
* TheMadMan went online
* Dope Game went online
TheMadMan> you know thats puire luck
* baby ko is starting a fight !
* john is starting a fight !
Dope Game> suck my cock viper
baby ko> gf
TheMadMan> thats twice and not in a row
* john went online
* baby ko went online
TheMadMan> you got that
Red Viper> how gay
TheMadMan> and its only cause of me atatcking
* TheMadMan is starting a fight !
* Dope Game is starting a fight !
* Red Viper went online
* Dope Game KO�ed TheMadMan in 1
* Dope Game just gained 38 points !
* TheMadMan just lost 1 points !
* baby ko went offline
* TheMadMan went online
* Dope Game went online
Dope Game> owned
TheMadMan> haha you lucky mother fucker
TheMadMan> thats not owned
TheMadMan> owned is
TheMadMan> the way i knocked you down twice
TheMadMan> like you wasnt shit
TheMadMan> you was desperate for anythnig to work
Dope Game> no owned is getting up twice and koing u
TheMadMan> and you went for that
TheMadMan> and caught ne
TheMadMan> pure luck cause you never do that
TheMadMan> and thats how that is luck
Dope Game> too bad
* TheMadMan is starting a fight !
* Dope Game is starting a fight !
* Dope Game KO�ed TheMadMan in 1
* Dope Game just gained 26 points !
* Red Viper went online
* TheMadMan went online
* Dope Game went online
Dope Game> owned
TheMadMan> i cant beleive this bullshit
TheMadMan> and thats not owned
Dope Game> ahha
Dope Game> LOL
TheMadMan> you went down too
Dope Game> well
Dope Game> i got up at 6
john> hey red i have a question for you
* kayonda went online
TheMadMan> you dont even know what owned is so you cant use it
Dope Game> u got up at 20
TheMadMan> your to retarded
Red Viper> what
* Dope Game is starting a fight !
* TheMadMan is starting a fight !
john> how did "OB Great" get ur title
Red Viper> by begging me and beating for it
Red Viper> yes, hes the one that messed up me and Rocky's Deal
Red Viper> I am just tired of childesh players
Red Viper> and he lied to me also
kayonda> lol
Red Viper> why the lol
Red Viper> I am being serious
* Wolski held Grande Gringo for an unanimous decision in 4
* Wolski just gained 13 points !
* Grande Gringo went online
* Wolski went online
Grande Gringo> gf
* TheMadMan TKO�ed Dope Game in 1
* TheMadMan just gained 55 points !
* Dope Game just lost 55 points !
* Grande Gringo went offline
* Grande Gringo went online
* TheMadMan went online
* Dope Game went online
john> hey guys whats my ping
TheMadMan> see owned
* Wolski is starting a fight !
TheMadMan> would be like
* kayonda is starting a fight !
Dope Game> 120ms
john> k
TheMadMan> when i got you with those jabs twice in a row
TheMadMan> with the noob jabs
* Dope Game is starting a fight !
* TheMadMan is starting a fight !
Dope Game> yawn
Red Viper> now its down, John
Red Viper> because I gave Vargas or whomever, now I am P.E. Number 1
* Red Viper is starting a fight !
* Grande Gringo is starting a fight !
john> on my laptop it says 130ms
john> ill rb
john> brb
* john went offline
* TheMadMan TKO�ed Dope Game in 1
* TheMadMan just gained 49 points !
* Dope Game just lost 49 points !
* TheMadMan went online
* Dope Game went online
TheMadMan> yeah lean back
Dope Game> stfu
TheMadMan> thats what i want you to do
Dope Game> bitch
* TheMadMan is starting a fight !
* Dope Game is starting a fight !
Dope Game> ok
* john went online
* Dope Game KO�ed TheMadMan in 1
* Dope Game just gained 54 points !
* TheMadMan just lost 54 points !
* TheMadMan went online
* Dope Game went online
* Red Viper TKO�ed Grande Gringo in 1
* Red Viper just gained 13 points !
* Dope Game is starting a fight !
Dope Game> punk
* TheMadMan is starting a fight !
TheMadMan> haha
* Red Viper went online
* Grande Gringo went online
Dope Game> viper sucks
* kayonda TKO�ed Wolski in 1
* kayonda just gained 45 points !
* Wolski just lost 36 points !
Dope Game> padding on noobs
Grande Gringo> gf
* kayonda went online
* Wolski went online
Red Viper> than fight me
Red Viper> gf
kayonda> gf
* kayonda is starting a fight !
* Wolski is starting a fight !
Red Viper> he challened me so I accepted
Red Viper> imbessile
* Grande Gringo went offline
* TheMadMan TKO�ed Dope Game in 1
* TheMadMan just gained 50 points !
* Dope Game just lost 50 points !
* Red Viper went online
* TheMadMan went online
* Dope Game went online
TheMadMan> whew
TheMadMan> for a sec there
TheMadMan> thoguht you had me
* TheMadMan is starting a fight !
* Dope Game is starting a fight !
Dope Game> no viper call ur self that
Red Viper> no, thats what you are
Red Viper> running your mouth and doesn't fight
* Dope Game KO�ed TheMadMan in 1
* Dope Game just gained 54 points !
* TheMadMan just lost 54 points !
* TheMadMan went online
* Dope Game went online
Red Viper> an example of cowardance
Dope Game> what kind of idiot agrees to fight and then saying i let u ko me if i win
* Dope Game is starting a fight !
* TheMadMan is starting a fight !
john> that didnt make sense
* TheMadMan TKO�ed Dope Game in 1
* TheMadMan just gained 51 points !
* Dope Game just lost 51 points !
Red Viper> no it doesn't
* TheMadMan went online
* Dope Game went online
* TheMadMan is starting a fight !
* Dope Game is starting a fight !
Dope Game> why is everyone so nosy?
Dope Game> u guys are annyoing
john> then saying i let u ko me f i win
Red Viper> people started to bitch at titles, pfff
* john is starting a fight !
* Red Viper is starting a fight !
* Dope Game TKO�ed TheMadMan in 2
* Dope Game just gained 54 points !
* TheMadMan just lost 54 points !
* TheMadMan went online
* Dope Game went online
TheMadMan> i had to hit the joint : (
Dope Game> HOLY FUCK
Dope Game> OWNED
* TheMadMan is starting a fight !
* Dope Game is starting a fight !
* Wolski TKO�ed kayonda in 3
* Wolski just gained 47 points !
* kayonda just lost 45 points !
* kayonda went online
* Wolski went online
* kayonda went offline
* Grande Gringo went online
* TheMadMan KO�ed Dope Game in 1
* TheMadMan just gained 52 points !
* Dope Game just lost 52 points !
* TheMadMan went online
* Dope Game went online
* Wolski is starting a fight !
* Grande Gringo is starting a fight !
Dope Game> omfg
TheMadMan> now that is truely owned
TheMadMan> cause i wasnt even trying to fight back
Dope Game> no
TheMadMan> i was tyring to smoke this joint
TheMadMan> i was smoknig a joint
TheMadMan> and beat you
TheMadMan> dumb ass
TheMadMan> listen
* Dope Game is starting a fight !
* TheMadMan is starting a fight !
Dope Game> hitting u with a right hand then hook while falling thats owned
* Grande Gringo went offline
* Grande Gringo went online
* Wolski KO�ed Grande Gringo in 1
* Wolski just gained 23 points !
* Wolski went online
* john TKO�ed Red Viper in 2
* john just gained 77 points !
* Red Viper just lost 77 points !
* Red Viper went online
* john went online
Wolski> rs
john> gf
* Red Viper is starting a fight !
* john is starting a fight !
* Grande Gringo is starting a fight !
* Wolski is starting a fight !
john> my dad is somewhat downloading
* Dope Game TKO�ed TheMadMan in 2
* Dope Game just gained 54 points !
* TheMadMan just lost 54 points !
* TheMadMan went online
* Dope Game went online
TheMadMan> man i feel ripped off
TheMadMan> that uppercut didnt even touch me
* TheMadMan is starting a fight !
* Dope Game is starting a fight !
* Dope Game TKO�ed TheMadMan in 1
* Dope Game just gained 46 points !
* TheMadMan just lost 41 points !
* TheMadMan went online
* Dope Game went online
TheMadMan> on the fight before that
TheMadMan> when me and you was trading licks
TheMadMan> man that was hallarious
* TheMadMan is starting a fight !
* Dope Game is starting a fight !
* Wolski KO�ed Grande Gringo in 2
* Wolski just gained 23 points !
* Grande Gringo went online
* Wolski went online
* Red Viper TKO�ed john in 2
* Red Viper just gained 76 points !
* john just lost 76 points !
* Red Viper went online
* john went online
Grande Gringo> gf
john> i should have stopped attacking an defend
john> and
Red Viper> I am just tired of childesh punks calling me that I suck\
* TheMadMan TKO�ed Dope Game in 1
* TheMadMan just gained 56 points !
* Dope Game just lost 56 points !
* TheMadMan went online
* Dope Game went online
Dope Game> u suck viper!
* Dope Game is starting a fight !
* TheMadMan is starting a fight !
john> edder arent you mexican
Red Viper> sure, you little chilesh bitch
Red Viper> no balls to fight me
Red Viper> childesh
* Red Viper is starting a fight !
* john is starting a fight !
Red Viper> gl
Steven Seagal> childish*
john> gl
* Wolski is starting a fight !
* Grande Gringo is starting a fight !
john> whats my ping now
* TheMadMan TKO�ed Dope Game in 1
* TheMadMan just gained 49 points !
* Dope Game just lost 49 points !
* TheMadMan went online
* Dope Game went online
TheMadMan> kiss my gloves :
Dope Game>
TheMadMan> remember that name
* TheMadMan is starting a fight !
* Dope Game is starting a fight !
Dope Game> lmao
* Dope Game KO�ed TheMadMan in 1
* Dope Game just gained 55 points !
* TheMadMan just lost 55 points !
* TheMadMan went online
* Dope Game went online
TheMadMan> that was a mean battle while it lasted
Dope Game> owned
TheMadMan> hahaha
TheMadMan> thats not owned
TheMadMan> caus ei was kicking your ass too
Dope Game> hold up i wanna roll a joint
TheMadMan> see
* Wolski TKO�ed Grande Gringo in 1
* Wolski just gained 23 points !
* Grande Gringo went online
* Wolski went online
TheMadMan> like the times i truely got a owned o nyou
Dope Game> nah i wish i had a joint Z:/
TheMadMan> like when i noob jabed you to death
Grande Gringo> gf
* Grande Gringo is starting a fight !
* Dope Game is starting a fight !
Wolski> lol
TheMadMan> it is so funny you guys will go down to the eziest moves
TheMadMan> dope you shouldnt have faught him
TheMadMan> now you fight will never start
TheMadMan> he is very very slow
* Dope Game TKO�ed Grande Gringo in 1
* Dope Game just gained 23 points !
* Dope Game went online
* Grande Gringo went online
* Grande Gringo is starting a fight !
* Dope Game is starting a fight !
Grande Gringo> gl
TheMadMan> dope i dont beleive you
TheMadMan> you cant fight him
TheMadMan> thats not for you to fight
TheMadMan> see my record
TheMadMan> you can clearly see i dont give a fuck
TheMadMan> cause there is also tiems i train people
TheMadMan> and take losses
TheMadMan> and ther eis times when im playing to much
TheMadMan> and get caught from taking to many punches
TheMadMan> caus ei love being hit
* Dope Game TKO�ed Grande Gringo in 2
* Dope Game just gained 23 points !
* Dope Game went online
* Grande Gringo went online
Grande Gringo> damn
Grande Gringo> gf
Dope Game> gf
* Grande Gringo is starting a fight !
* Wolski is starting a fight !
* Dope Game went offline
* Dope Game went online
* TheMadMan is starting a fight !
* Dope Game is starting a fight !
* TheMadMan KO�ed Dope Game in 1
* TheMadMan just gained 55 points !
* Dope Game just lost 55 points !
* TheMadMan went online
* Dope Game went online
TheMadMan> thats what i call owned
Dope Game> no
* Dope Game is starting a fight !
* TheMadMan is starting a fight !
Dope Game> i let u
Dope Game> i knew u was going to do that
* john KO�ed Red Viper in 6
* john just gained 77 points !
* Red Viper just lost 77 points !
* Red Viper went online
* john went online
Red Viper> that's bullshit
* john went offline
* Dope Game TKO�ed TheMadMan in 2
* Dope Game just gained 55 points !
* TheMadMan just lost 55 points !
* TheMadMan went online
* Dope Game went online
Dope Game> man viper sucks
TheMadMan> i know you goona try that hook
* john went online
TheMadMan> and i try to counter it with
TheMadMan> the long uppercut
TheMadMan> but soemtimes dont work out
john> i froze after fight ended
Red Viper> lets rm
john> hey red im going to bed
john> plus my dumbass lag is getting on my nerves
Red Viper> now I know who take my frustation out on
john> me
Red Viper> No
john> awwwww
TheMadMan> dope bitch
john> eddy
Red Viper> I thought your going to sleep
Red Viper> yes
Dope Game> ?
john> i am
Dope Game> what
john> c ya later
Dope Game> later john
Dope Game> viper want to die?
john> lmao
Red Viper> just send the challenge
* john went offline
Dope Game> ok let me relog and ill burry u
* Dope Game went offline
TheMadMan> you know dope is full of shit
* Dope Game went online
Red Viper> 95% of this game does not like me and I know it
TheMadMan> haha
* Red Viper is starting a fight !
* Dope Game is starting a fight !
* YOU SUCK went offline
* YOU SUCK went online
TheMadMan> i like everyone
* YOU SUCK went offline
* YOU SUCK went online
TheMadMan> and i love to argue
Dope Game> make it 100%
* YOU SUCK went offline
* YOU SUCK went online
TheMadMan> i think


Joined: 25/03/2009 13:27:09
Messages: 3

Have you tried to advertise by posting on boxing forums and affiliate yourselves with any of those big names like or etc..?

I could see this game being an "official" game of those forums with their own rankings. I logged on now around 15 times, only twice was someone around to fight. Why aren't thousands playing worldwide man, that's the way it should be. Maybe not many boxing fans know about it?
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