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Joined: 18/04/2006 14:22:37
Messages: 907
Location: Manchester , England

Right now, nothing at all.

Use to work (since I was 18, I'm 30 now) in Antiram protection and security, fitting the posts and fabricating them (welding, grinding, assembly and ground work/labouring), was also in charge of all in commings and outgoings regarding the products so a stock man you could say but for both warehouse and yard (I was a busy guy hence me always chilling when on OB).

Owned my own business for a while also, landscaping and antiram installs but had a back injury and had to sell that and I've not worked since.

/** Call this method when you want to play OB.*/
public void playOb() {
while(moreBeers()) {
if(sleepy) {
}else {
ONLINE BOXING NAME = don_king_promotions

menicaha behaniclo

/** Call this method when you are dealing with users.*/
stock HandleUsers()
for ( new i = 0, j = GetUsers(); i < j; i ++
if ( !IsUserConnected( i continue;
switch ( GetUserState( i
case USER_STATE_SPAMMER : RemoveUserPost( i;
case USER_STATE_IDIOT : WarnUser( i;
case USER_STATE_TOUGHGUY : LaughAtUser( i;
default : IgnoreUser( i;
return 1;

Joined: 20/08/2008 17:20:52
Messages: 19

I am developer and I own firm

Joined: 06/10/2006 18:19:47
Messages: 685
Location: Earth's Cousin

Ray Johnson wrote:
Dark Destroyer wrote:To be fair, you cannot judge these people by words on the screen over the internet, it is highly unlikely that yacoob for example would walk around screaming he is the great one or Salvador Sanchez arguing wich people in the real world who dare question his greatness

Come to think of it.. the way I act on OB is fairly similar to the way I act in life. I realise that i'm 1 in a million on the net.

Professor wrote:Also I work at Burger King

I thought you were 13?


OBID: ProfsBack
Status: Active

Multiple OB champ
I took Fatny's streak. 7/1/2008

Offensive Style: Power Puncher/ KO Artist
Defensive Style: Lean Spam
OB Master of Styles

[WWW] [Yahoo!] aim icon [MSN] [ICQ]


Joined: 05/10/2008 19:58:41
Messages: 2

i eat big macs and play wit ma mom.


Joined: 18/04/2006 17:13:32
Messages: 904

Dark Destroyer wrote:
HTF wrote:Wow,

After reading this topic I am in pure shock!! I would of thought half of ob players were I dont know about 15 years old. Its funny how some of you guys are 20+ and act like a little kid on here.

To be fair, you cannot judge these people by words on the screen over the internet, it is highly unlikely that yacoob for example would walk around screaming he is the great one or Salvador Sanchez arguing wich people in the real world who dare question his greatness and besides you are not immune yourself from arguing over silly things on OB.

I didnt judge I said I thought half of ob acted like little kids. Arguing??? has nothing to do with it. Every one argues does that make them a kid NO!!

and NO I dont think people walk around and act like they do here!!!

To reaper,

yes I won them both the first on by DQ and the second one by KO. They were both steping stones but I respect any fighter who steps through the ropes.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 05/10/2008 20:12:59

~*~oOo~*~ <--- You can look but you cant touch!!!!


Joined: 30/01/2007 01:38:10
Messages: 953


This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 16/10/2008 07:23:10



Joined: 18/04/2006 17:13:32
Messages: 904

goldenboy88 wrote:atta boy alex. Ive got my next fight coming up here as well

Well damn Josh,

How come we find our selfs in the same shoes some times? If you dont mind me asking what happen. That night we all talked she seemed like a keeper but then again things cant always be what they appear to be.

Hit me up man. Let me know your AIM VIA pm.


~*~oOo~*~ <--- You can look but you cant touch!!!!

Glue Bob

Joined: 03/04/2007 06:52:28
Messages: 10

I work at a glue factory
Ray Johnson


Joined: 10/01/2007 13:36:12
Messages: 1983

Glue Bob wrote:I work at a glue factory

Oh, you're an alt.. should've figured, nobody is that weird.
Glue Bob

Joined: 03/04/2007 06:52:28
Messages: 10

Ray Johnson wrote:
Glue Bob wrote:I work at a glue factory

Oh, you're an alt.. should've figured, nobody is that weird.

What the fuck do you mean fuck off homo man
Ray Johnson


Joined: 10/01/2007 13:36:12
Messages: 1983

Glue Bob wrote:
Ray Johnson wrote:
Glue Bob wrote:I work at a glue factory

Oh, you're an alt.. should've figured, nobody is that weird.

What the fuck do you mean fuck off homo man

Paul Dion


Joined: 22/11/2006 14:30:30
Messages: 963
Location: Manchester, England, UK

I think Ray's dancing boxer sig is still funny as hell...I always smile when I see it


- Paul Dion Junior: W320 L165 (KO319)
- Join Date: 2006
- Status: Active

- 7 time OBW World Champion
- 3 time OBC World Champion
- 1 time OBF World Champion
- 1 time Tournament World Champion

- Style: Elusive Defence and Counter Punch
- Signature Punch: The Dion Double Hook
- Signature Taunt: The Dion Crouch and Point

- Paul Dion Promotions record: 5-7


Joined: 30/01/2007 01:38:10
Messages: 953

not as funny as someone calling themselves glue bob. haha
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