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TBF bukowski shows his true sucky self  XML
Forum Index » General discussions
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Larry Holmes


Joined: 29/06/2006 07:52:33
Messages: 328

After outclassing you for 6 rounds and having you on the brink of a KO you suddenly stopped moving. After a minute I logged off because I thought he froze.
But it appears the bastard "woke up" and koed me after..

So to anyone except a few trusted people, if you stop moving be prepared to be destroyed anyway.

Just so it's noted that this bum didn't beat me.


Joined: 24/05/2007 11:16:36
Messages: 61

no need to make a thread about it, get over it and KO him yourself next time.

The Reign Has Begun...
Larry Holmes


Joined: 29/06/2006 07:52:33
Messages: 328

I hate when people pull a stunt like this just to protect their totally bumlike padded 65-5 record.
And KO him I will.


Joined: 24/05/2007 11:16:36
Messages: 61

So do i, but you cant do nothing about that so forget about it, they aint gonna get any better by padding...

leave them to it.

The Reign Has Begun...
Forum Index » General discussions
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