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Lesson for you all DONT FIGHT THE BAD BOY  XML
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Joined: 11/06/2007 11:20:09
Messages: 20
Location: Kingsville

Heres why!!!!

He claims i walked into his last uppercut when questioned later about the incident. I was obviously frozen and obviously winning. If it was a genuine mistake then fair enough but when i questioned him he laughed and said unlucky call the police. A lot of enjoyment in this game comes from fair play honesty and playing by unwritten rules. Unfortunatley as in all walks of life u get the odd person who matured from a sperm that lived in the dregs of an old heroin addicts blaabag, that choses to break these rules to piss people off. So if you want to fight him , and lets face it he's not hard to beat, then do it but i warn you if it freezes he wont think twice about using his bony little crack fuelled fingers to cheaply beat you.

Sweet as sugar
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