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Messages posted by: Boxing Guy
Forum Index » Profile for Boxing Guy » Messages posted by Boxing Guy
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im back!!

for sure...
hm, yes i am endeed. well almost in all the rooms i am.
Here To Fight Or Larry Holmes Can I Get A Tittle Shot I Need 1 Since I Havent Seen You Guys Lately!!

Im Ready To Have A Shot!
your going to pay boxa for getting me in the altf4!
hey surj i saw u but i told u to wait and u left. then i never saw you no more
that web site in not done yet right???
ok man and ill try asking less questions now.
1st. there are alot of people talking at the same time i didnt know.2nd i asked you how to fight and you said single player wich i didnt see until later on.3rd i didnt asked alot of question you told me leave and then told me to press alt f4.4th you kept telling me that i would be as fast as you if press alt f4 and 1.5th you told me something else that exited my game and then you left.
thank you man in 1 day i learn alot in this game. thank you for everything you thought me. this game turned to be really cool. i hope i could become something good at it. well if i do become someone important then ill thanx to my friend "The Sickness" a real friend. who help me out!
i started this game today playing it. i just found out about how to talk.. i never thought it was going to be that difficult but it is. i asked alot of people if they could help me but they didnt want to. i didnt think it would be like that. but are alot of guys in here are jerks???1 of them i kept asking if he could help me but he said to get out and never come back! and the other guy told me to press this buttons that he told me wich exited the game. i think his name was here to fight. i think that was his name. well anyways i need direction how to play. they told me to play in single player but its hard. i wish i could know more about this game. can anybody help me out here?
Forum Index » Profile for Boxing Guy » Messages posted by Boxing Guy
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