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Messages posted by: mogray
Forum Index » Profile for mogray » Messages posted by mogray
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He always fights me when I'm on.
Ali needs to vote. No?
Whatever became of this?

It'd be a shame if he didn't get in. Many of the most prominent greats of the past have returned to the game of late and he remains solidly in the top three. The only folks giving him competition are Larry and HTF and he's about even with them at the moment.

Other HOF'ers he's just flat out owning.

Remember that Mikkel nerfed the lean awhile back and there was such an uproar about it he changed it back.

Leaning is engrained in the game and should stay but folks do abuse it I think.

Me personally I'm not a big fan of the lean but I will use it to counter an outside fighter.
Hope you make it back down the road when the mood strikes you again.

If not then it's been fun fighting you and good luck.
Married, two kids. Older than monkeytail.

OB is fun to unwind and is good for the reflexes. Wish more older folks would play.
Upstate NY. Somewhere deep in cow tipping country. Moooooo.
This could just be ignorance on my part since I don't know where all of you are from but it seems that the majority of Euro fighters prefer the boxer style vs the slugger style.

Does this seem true to you? If so that's interesting. I wonder why that is.

Here's the folks I had in mind.

Don King
Nigel (could possibley class him as a slugger, not sure)

Yacoob wrote:Verily i tell you all that the return of Yacoob will Set fire to the Box Office and pucker up your buttholes with excitement as the seat of your pants are lit up with Propane Punches from The Online Boxing Celebrity Yacoob!
(Then Leaves)

...Then you missed this great line. Paints quite a vivid picture.
re: opponent freeze in title fight

I understand Larry's frustration but I thought it was acceptable to ko the frozen opponent in a title bout?

What does Tyrants sticky on protocol say about it?

In the end, you're all holding my title anyway....
Though it would be hard to compile and verify, I think toosmooth by far wins the most experienced fighter prize.
Forum Index » Profile for mogray » Messages posted by mogray
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