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Messages posted by: rockybalboa123
Forum Index » Profile for rockybalboa123 » Messages posted by rockybalboa123
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well ya mothafukas i guess ill rename the clan the dark oreos and everyone gets to wear anthing they want
hey hey hey break it up you'll settle it in the ring this is my thread!

P.S.I almost beat you bear...almost
catfish2 wrote:im sexy

What the hell does that have to do with budgies?
yes blue fact i have a pet budgie except he's green.

P.S.His name is Elvis
fatny aka fagny (called by catfish) has unified all titles and my friend reaper is ready to fight him anytime, anyplace anywhere!

P.S.Catfish wants to fight you too!!!
well thanks for the sig anyways

i dont want do argue so end of disscussion
4.I be "pulling somehing up your ass".
End of quote
how rude that you hav admitited do pulling somthing up my a$$! i thought we were supposed to be buddys!
srry srry
alright i want a sig with michael jackson with the words rocky balboa across
Ray Johnson wrote:
rockybalboa123 wrote:
It was no bot it was a human

I think you're a noob. Mikkel (The creator of this game) confessed to it being a bot.

woops i musta missed somthin srry
Ray Johnson wrote:
sterlihalla wrote:i knocked down unpredictable aka rocky maricano

I won't even watch the fight if u are saying what i think.. Unpredictable was mikkel testing scripts out and you think its marciano?? lol, mikkel even confessed?

It was no bot it was a human
Skillz wrote:Catfish baby im sorry but P4P will have 2 destory TGF
The light oreos (parodied of dark oreo aka. yacoob's master) will destroy TGF once we get members
Ladies and Gentleman im startin a clan it's gona be called da "blue budgies" and were gona wear blue tunks with white strips. If you wana join contact me!

Forum Index » Profile for rockybalboa123 » Messages posted by rockybalboa123
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