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Messages posted by: John323
Forum Index » Profile for John323 » Messages posted by John323
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llol reaper did u cry their to
tko have u evr beaten reaper?
people hate him cuz his a little bitch when he looses and when he wins he brags about it.
Im in to
Yup ricky does belong on dat list as he ducked me and goldenboy just because his afraid of losing his points
lol wut difference does it make 2 or 3 i just mistyped
i wusnt talkin about you not giving me a rematch with ur eddie acount i wus talkin about how u callin mea liar about me not beatin u 2 times in a row which i did
eddie u beat me today by a luck ko nd i beat you 3 times in a row after that when u went on your alt name dogthebountyhunter
And red viper is not better than htf
lmao eddie u fuckin liar i beat u 2 times in a row
yes htf i do owe some of it to you i mean i know we only trained about 1 day but u did teach me alot
and tko u r not a B class fighter ur probobly c or c+
lol if its like that ive been playing 4 weeks nd ive beat u both
Reaper and yacoob are the funniest guys on ob
Forum Index » Profile for John323 » Messages posted by John323
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