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Messages posted by: terminator608
Forum Index » Profile for terminator608 » Messages posted by terminator608
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Mikkel wrote:More balanced stamina

Crouching defends against hook (can still get hit by uppercuts)

Yea, thats more realistic
every1 giving their ippinion so i figure i'd give mine as well.

1st off i wanna say..
I think online boxing is a really really fun game

Classius clay " Ali " use to take his opponent's out after wearing them down a bit. by punching them and making them miss or blocking till they got tired and of course his fancy footwork which ive seen no game copy it isactly..

Ali Vs. George Foreman ended in round 8 knockout. after Ali Weared down foreman by making him waste his punches and also jabbed and punched his energy down as well..

I think the hook should have more power and the stamina be possible to wear down where they can be knockout out with the big hook at around 7 or 8 rounds atleast.

I'm being beat everytime almost by boxer style and never hardly get to land the big hook anymore.

i hope Mik and everyone atleast read and consider my post.

and in real boxing sometime u see a Sluggers hook a mile away but can't do nothing about it boom! then its lights out. K.O.
thats way hook use to be in this game but lately its barley more powerful then uppercut and takes way longer to throw.

well thats all..
Take Care All , have a Good Night.
Redneck wrote:hey terminator...
i think you can forget that. I used the same style as you. Counterpuncher to the bone and with the new settings i was marked for dead. I was thinking about learning a new style and get used to the new settings. But OB got no real future (one month no money, other month there is a discontinuation of OB2D till mikkel change his mind, next month again no money etc.). So why trying to get good again with new settings if they close OB after you archived your goal? I am retired now because of this things. Think about this words....


Wow so your saying after this long Mikkel is going to shut down online boxing every other month?
am i understanding this right?
never thought i'd see online boxing go down like this..
i think they should make a new server have 2 of them
1 with these rules For Boxers
and the
2nd server with Boxer's and Sluggers like the old Style the way the game use to be.

in real boxing they allow both Sluggers and boxer's thats the whole point to see the Diffrent Style's Collide add's more excitement to the game

i'm Counter Slugger style i wait till my opponent runs out of gas then i knock him out with the hook that was my style its completely useless with this new setting because the hook is about the power of a Jab sometimes..

make 2 servers - so every1 be happy! lol What Yall think???
alot of people gettin playing lately i just came back as well.

yall should put john in the hall of fame's he well earned it..

there's knockouts in old section that i recorded for him when he was on a killing spree.

I don't blame him for sitting with it back when was starring in this video he was near 90 Defences..
Whats the Russain's Name anyone know???

i wanna see that fight I like Evander cause of his Footwork.

i hope evander will win but i would like to see the Russain he's facing..

I say its cool he's still fighting he's cool....
Forum Index » Profile for terminator608 » Messages posted by terminator608
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