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Messages posted by: slugger
Forum Index » Profile for slugger » Messages posted by slugger
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i dont now the deal with this dude but he needs to defend defenitely BUT remember the rule is 8 days ladies.
LMAO redneck tht was me tht one day fighting with 2 punches the long hook and straight right LMAO
hey we tried the nice way so why dont u think about another way to help
mikkle are u serious dude pay u?? tht is ridiculous u no tht i tried ob3d and it sucked dude it blew chunks compared to ob2d.ob2d can gain more population if u pay close attention to krayons ideas just like yacobs idea of the manuel was a good one just as well as this one.
why do i got to start from zero mikkle
Forum Index » Profile for slugger » Messages posted by slugger
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