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Messages posted by: Wigglez
Forum Index » Profile for Wigglez » Messages posted by Wigglez
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I dident know you then or now but i would have loved to get in the ring with you. Even tho im just starting out it would have been great to see what its like being in the ring with a true legend. If you would grant me a fight against you someday it would be an hounor. I am going after the big names on this journy.

But have a nice retirment uand hopfully we will meet someday. I am here for the stay and i will be waiting for your return.

all the best Jason Valance
I am going to make it into the HOF even if i never win a championship. I am going to just keep on playing untill i get inducted or not. To me championships dont matter just heart and soul will get me there im sure of it. This is a long road ahead but at the end of it all i will get there.
could anybody let me know thanks.
Forum Index » Profile for Wigglez » Messages posted by Wigglez
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