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Messages posted by: sterlihalla
Forum Index » Profile for sterlihalla » Messages posted by sterlihalla
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cinderhill cyrils boxing amatuer club
thats my friend fighting i forgot to say i rushed the pics
heres a few pics of me and a few of me boxing.
Everyone notice the grim reaper right hook on the heavy bag lol jokes
my friend is fighting someone too hes a very gd boxer hes light heavy

lol funny thread cya yacoob
lol why are P4P in this thread? get out
i had a victory today against a guy who surppose to be strong lol ye man got knocked the f out
Revenge for crono cause rocky koed him so i needed to even the score.
why does the server always mess up? whats going on?
now this is about me lol this topic shud be closed i duno why u made it
ok now who are u talking about? who did this person beat and why you making a thread cause u being as immature as the person u posting about.
Not his fault u have some nobs in your gym that can be beat easy.
thx i already have koed 5 members of P4P i hope i can ko more
i feeel like joining this clan just to beat some P4P since P4P like to gang me so much when i ko there members
yeh but dion i almost koed u on one of them geez P4P gota get some balls and do things on there own lol they all kids anyway
this is all P4P on me lol didnt expect much since they cant fight there battles by themselfs lol i hardly threw the hook in ray fight he threw it more then me lol! and i measured and predicted where he would go so i took him out and oscar ive beat u alot of times if im D then ur D with me lol doesnt matter how many times u beat me ive beat u like 6 times
I been playing for 2 weeks and a few days and the best class fighters ive beat are rank B's heres a few matches i won what u think to my progression? people dont like my style cause my finisher is the grim reaper right hook i dont jus throw it lol i predict and measure for it.
I think ive beat 4 class b fighters now so maybe i can start gettin up in class hehe and ive been ranked 14th

-P4P- Ray - this is the 5 member of P4P ive beat
er nope thats a old accout anyway so say what u want
Forum Index » Profile for sterlihalla » Messages posted by sterlihalla
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