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Messages posted by: lucifer
Forum Index » Profile for lucifer » Messages posted by lucifer
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Hmm sounds very suspicious. Any chance of you freezing the fight knowing that your stamina was low and that you would not be able to continue for 15 rds? After all most fights restart eventually after they freeze, and you did believe that you were winning.
R.I.P. Raper
For the first time ever, I have to agree with Surj.

Just keep training with your -P4P- clan, after all u are top 10 and Larry was ducking you right? Where is all that charisma at?

Maybe there is a God after all. How could I have been wrong all these years. May he R.I.P. and never return to OB.

You Will Not Be Missed
72 hours and counting

You Wont Be Missed
Looks like Nigel is resting well in his shallow grave. He may have left the fight when the heat was on, but he jumped right into the fire...

R.I.P. Nigel

Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha
UM ok, Glad ya asked but no thanks. The board is for the newbies and vets. Dont read it if your not interested.

Forum Index » Profile for lucifer » Messages posted by lucifer
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