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Messages posted by: thegoldenboy88
Forum Index » Profile for thegoldenboy88 » Messages posted by thegoldenboy88
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ive got a punchers chance. now he says if I lose I have to call him daddy. so dear god I better win.. so if i win he leaves. if he wins im humiliated.
well me and serious got into it tonight and he broke the straw on the camels back. we made an agreement. one fight on friday. winner stays loser leaves. I just wonder if his word is as shitty as i think it is.. if i somehow pull out a win i doubt he will leave but if i lose ill keep mine and go. anyone who hates serious business AKA the problem give me some support and wish me luck
i hate when you get disconected and your opponent knows that. so they go and knock you out. and then you come back on and your streak is done. and then they wont rematch you.
yea its been free since i started.. i never knew about paying. probly wont have to until 3d comes out?
no doubt. i dunno whos the sadder of the two to tell ya the truth
Hey guys I was just wondering whats the deal with the stars. howcome some people have them filled in and others do not. is it somthing to do with skill????
welcome back
Forum Index » Profile for thegoldenboy88 » Messages posted by thegoldenboy88
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