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Messages posted by: JustWatching
Forum Index » Profile for JustWatching » Messages posted by JustWatching
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the funny but very sad point this all makes. you guys would rather blame numerous people for one childs wrong doing.. now I dont need to bring up my name.. but as many have said I am a very prominent vet. This whole situation is disgusting really. nobody has done anything wrong except for mr grim reaper. 3 -4 years ago this game didnt have people playing who acted like that because he probably wasnt out of diapers at that point of time.. Newguy I expected more out of you to put this fellow in his place.. same with the other mods. He is destroying this game not anyone else.. so whoever the hell ray johnson is. he shouldnt be blamed neither should thegoldenboy or jigsaw or oscar or john. Now I have not played since this Kid started playing but this is the type of reason people are dropping like flies. I will not come back until this is sorted out.. whats the point of having mods if they dont do anything but delete posts. this idiot wouldnt be allowed in any other game.. not even ones you pay for. so why make it that hes allowed to destroy the last sanction between alot of us old guys and madness. just my two cents. dont know why you guys would allow one punk kid to ruin our lifeblood for the last several years
these are all of the reaper hate topics i could find.. either ban him or ban the 60+ people that hate him on a day to day basis. its not even like he has been nice to anyone.. one of his messeges says he wouldnt play 3d because mikkell runs such a shitty server.. things like that he is ungrateful rude. and a disgrace.
he has 35+ topics right here.. plus another 20 more im sure I couldnt get ahold of

reaper should be void from all these awards.. as he did cheat.
REAPER takes that one easy.
forgot to add hurricane is #1 in OBW
alot of talent out right now. lets break away and keep reaper off this list.

5. tkoknockout. yes hes annoying but he is becoming not bad.

4 m.aragon. he is starting to fight better guys and is having some sucess.

3.chupas. not sure if hes new but hes pretty good.

these last 2 fellows will be quite good im sure of that.

2 The Reverend. after only playing with one hand for most of his time he is becoming a very good fighter. maybe a contender soon enough. mixes it up well and has good variation

1. Hurricane Harley. in short, he is a hurricane. bullies you to the corner and whails away with intensity. very good survival skills and a good rope a dope. is improving every day. and learning to pace himself better.

what does everyone else think?
not bad choices.. but reaper isnt 4th maybe 10th. nigel benn is better htf is better. hell your last 4 guys should all be higher
2.Larry Holmes
3.applied force
4.Red Viper
5.Black Bear
6.Oscar De La Hoya
7.Szueezed Head
8.Lennox Lewis
9.Rocky Marciano
10.Dope Mexican
14. goldenboy69
15. the reverend
for the last 2. goldenboy69 as well as reverend. also usa should be on there since hes back
Well ladies and gents. I have been paying alot of attention lately. and this is my list

5. mysterious not sure if he is still around. but he was good if he was a rookie.

4. Jcp he is 11-0 right now but i doubt he is new. if he is. he is gonna be good.

3.Saptrus dunno much about him

2. now this is a tight one between. Shock and Awe. and chopper81.
chopper is probably better but I saw Shock ko Serious business and earlier today he beat jermaine_taylor. aka ranger_rick. Shockand awe is going to be really good once he gets his bully style down pat. until then I guess chopper is still the top rookie.

what is everyone elses input
Forum Index » Profile for JustWatching » Messages posted by JustWatching
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