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Messages posted by: Polski1
Forum Index » Profile for Polski1 » Messages posted by Polski1
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No offence but:
Isn`t it possible to downgrade OB2D back to the times where everything worked perfectly (good pings, no crashes after a really few fights, no chat-limitations after a few lines)?
- Well, maybe its just a prob of the new Java-versions...
LOL! - What a thread! - Really sweet

Here`s my suggestion:
I think I should be OBs most respected and most handsome Boxer!
- What do you think?

No, ok. If you fell better, I think you should be the best newcomer of all times!
Same here.
Lag here aswell.
The new interface is very nice but very slow (p.e. chats)
Maybe it is a bug, maybe purpose:
The boxer is hit by hooks eventhough he is ducked.

(..Yea, yea I know...)
Instead of getting bored u should improve your styles.
A bout lasts maximally 10 rounds - u should be ready to go the distance if needed. Otherwise u r wrong here.
I like knocking guys out too, but sometimes it is not possible in the first rounds or at all. Then I have to do what u all like about me...
This game is close to real boxing, especially the tactics & strategy. So it`s totally ridiculous to say, that one`s style is too boring ("I let u win then."). That is total bullshit. In fact u realize that in this fight u r way too bad to win. In that case go down and stay there... and stop crying! It`s not Tekken here.

An effective style is a good style!
To make it clear: I AM NOT A CHEATER !
- I hate them as much as most of you here.

I can remember that night, where things were weird. It could be my connection or something else. I have no clue but it`s gone.

Since I know that many here hate me, my style and my country, it is senseless trying to convince them that I`m no cheater....

Besides, many posters here had a fine connection with me and were laid down in R1. Now they`re thinking: "This polish prick must b a cheater!"
But hey, it is not a matter of your skill, it is not a trick - It`s just me.

Thx 4 the attention homies.
I`m always ready 4 ya (to knock you down on the ground of reality).

At least u had the gutts:
Why are you avoiding a rematch?
Class B is a compliment! - I m not even D...
Forum Index » Profile for Polski1 » Messages posted by Polski1
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