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Messages posted by: Strength
Forum Index » Profile for Strength » Messages posted by Strength
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but steven i clicked create boxer and it wont go through lol
but which java should i get.idk which one i should get.
Mikkel wrote:
Fatny wrote:There, a well invested 30 minutes. Pardon my design skills and my love for the FixedSys font!

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Actually wait until Mikkel's fixed his new player creation problem first

Nice. Create boxer works now, it was a bug that occurs only in Java 7. I submitted a patch.

i love you to much mikkel what can i say
this should be good
WOW okay so what is up with the twin peak thing.what does that mean.A new ob2d?
cant create a new fighter and my password isnt working for my username.i dont know why?
FINALLY thank you steven.But ummm hopefully u fix the frezzing problems or like someone said make it to the new time OB.never seen it before tho
What happen to the view fights?Cant really watch them
is the frezze really fixed?cause i wanna ko people in round finshing round.
i 4th this really has to be solved.long round fights are the best.
Im wondering whats going on.when i fight it frezzing in between rounds.1st is 2nd now 3rd.i dont know whats happenining and how can we fix this
Forum Index » Profile for Strength » Messages posted by Strength
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