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Messages posted by: Unpredictable
Forum Index » Profile for Unpredictable » Messages posted by Unpredictable
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drop the caps
Oh well. There are two things:

1. HTF you are cocky as hell. Even when you win a very narrow close fight and get split decision you act like you dominated.

- please drop the act

2. Fatny you do decline a lot of fights. I dont know the reason for this but the fact is you do turn down figths against good people a lot and it is annoying as hell. I just wonder why because it is more likely for you to win than lose. Are you affraid that if you accept more matches against good people that they will figure out our style or what is it?

- please accept all challenges. You are the champ so act like one. You are not online that much anyway so why not to fight people when you actually come online.

That is all.
relax server went just down
dunno. You were not using the main server.

works for me
well stamina seems to actually go down a bit but just magically refills to full after each round or something


What is up with stamina?

I can go out and spam attacks like there is no tomorrow and stamina is hardly effected. Some people are already starting to use some ridiculous tactics.

Mikkel please fix the stamina bug.

No need to replace me. I boxed my opponent and won both matches. There was no need for third...
That's fine with me.
I am facing Larry Holmes in the tournament next.

I need to sharped up my game so I need a bit of help in the way of having good people to spar against.

Oscar ad Ray Jhonsson I need to spar with you two please.
RESULT!!! Pit Bull vs. Unpredictable

Fight 1: Winner by TKO in the second round... Unpredictable

Fight 2: Winner by KO in the second round... Unpredictable

Unpredictable advances.
Forum Index » Profile for Unpredictable » Messages posted by Unpredictable
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