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Messages posted by: young skillz
Forum Index » Profile for young skillz » Messages posted by young skillz
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Thanks Ray
1-Mike Tyson
2-Bernard Hopkins
3-Roy Jones Jr
4-De La Hoya
5-Floyd Mayweather
all right..Ive Been Playing Single Player Mode For About 2 Weeks now..
Gettin Ready For Great Online Fighters..
I Lost Online About 10 Times..Then I Went To Single Player Mode..
To Improve My Skillz..This Boxer Is Not Under The Same Name..
As The Boxer I Lost 10 Times With..Thats Only Cuz..
I Feel My Skillz In This Game Have Improved Big Time!!
Well..Enuff Talking AND MORE BOXING!

Thank You For Your Time

ps:See Ya Inn The Ring.. DING! DING!

Forum Index » Profile for young skillz » Messages posted by young skillz
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