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Messages posted by: Crono
Forum Index » Profile for Crono » Messages posted by Crono
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aww you and your girlfriend, (if that's your girlfriend) look so cute together
i'm gonna go off on a vacation to a porn site too then. see ya guys at or you can also reach me at, for i am a frequent visitor.

ME and some anonomous friends, ahem, have been discussing whether or not to start this thread. all well here it goes:

if you have a pic of yourself, post it here, that way, we know what you guys look like.
server does that a lot. it's stupid.
i agree
haha hi

thank you for your welcome.
oh wow thank you oscar
holy really? well that would be really awesome. um, it don't matter really the colours, i like em all.
oh wow, you do all of them? iv seen some, like for guys like yacoob and jigsaw and stuff, they're really amazing
images? like sigs?
I'm new to the forums, iv been playing this game for a bit on files no one will know of. i think im a good fighter, i played uhh, singleplayer a lot. anyway, i don't even know how to put a stupid avatar pic on..

i try to play this game when i can, so don't be mean to me if im not up to par with you guys.

I'm Crono, and i love chrono trigger, haha. I try to be a nice guy

well im done introducing myself. thanks for reading.

Forum Index » Profile for Crono » Messages posted by Crono
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