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Messages posted by: Flash
Forum Index » Profile for Flash » Messages posted by Flash
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LMAO, Mikell or Donny lock this topic.
When I install it says missing compnent MC something and it wont open but still Mikell
My list is based on current activity, if someone is playing like 5 times a week and is top ten in a lot of rankings, Im going to put him ahead of asome one like Nigel who plays like once a week. Sure I could do the old. Fatny/Larry/HTF/Nigel old list, but if next week I see that other guys are winning like Nigel and HTF they will probably be higher and Reaper will be number 9/10ish
New rankings
Award no. 1 Best Newcomer - Reaper

Award no. 2 Most Active - Reaper

Award no. 3 Knockout Artsist - Red Viper

Award no. 4 Best Trash Talker - Yacoob

Award no. 5 Biggest Complainer - Yacoob

Award no. 6 Best Excuses - Larry Holmes whenever he loses to Fatny hahaha that shit is classic

Award no. 7 Best Jabber - Larry Holmes

Award no. 8 Best Slugger - Red Viper

Award no. 9 Best Textbook Boxer - Black Bear

Award no. 10 The Padder Award - Cotto

Award no. 11 The "Quiet" Award - Black Bear

Award no. 12 Fastest Puncher - Red Viper

Award no. 13 Best Bout - /

Award no. 14 Best Knockdown - /

Award no. 15 Most Dominant Fighter - Fatny
Once I update this in a couple of days. Viper will probably be 3rd. Hes kicking the shit out of everybody. And Boxa will be added.
haha Ty, I was thinking about putting you up there. But you fight sporadically much like Nigel, Dope, and everyone. So if you remain active I'll definantly put you on.
Yeah, well Im a student of OB and I notice everyone progression. Im pissed off however cuz I cant view fights. That's usally wat helps me determine someone skill instead of just record and skill but I already fought you. Hopefully rankings refresh so I can crack top 20. I am pretty much B fighter. Can beat anyone outside top ten. Before I was sucking losing a lot of fights when I was TBF but now I just use my veteran smarts to beat ppl. Strangely enough I'm now in the upper tier of old guys since my first fight was July of 2006 I've officially been playing for 1 year, despite all the breaks I took from fighting. If I could beat more agressive ppl I could be top ten but for now Im just gonna build up my record.
Different Flash, not the 2000 plus fight Flash. The TBF one (even though I might have close to that) However...I still peppered you when you first started..haha.)
Apparently Squeezed Head is returning so he needs to be on top 5. The only reason I didnt put him on cuz I didnt think he was active. I just returned to the ring on my old name ProfsBack went 6-1 with a tko4 lost to Reaper on his alias. Hopefully I'll be up there soon on the power ranking.

1. Fatny- The Undisputed, unbeatable champion. Bullies opponents with ease. Wins overwhelming decisions over top fighters. Ko's everyone else with ease. Wears down the best for a TKO. Not much to say but we all are witnessing greatness.
2. Larry Holmes- No matter what peopl say the guy is still great. Unfortanantly I don't have access to records right now so this'll be harder. He's still only one of he few people who can beat Fatny and his wily
veteran style gives him control over the rings.
3. Red Viper- Viper has really been dominating the competition recently, and it shows with his improved record. He quickly takes out competition by wailing on them from the start of the bell. As of recent, he's had an outstanding win/loss ratio taking on the upper class fighters.
4. Reaper- Yes the Reaper. How he managed to get so good that quickly is amazing. But he's top ten in every single division, joining an exclusive group of himself and Larry and Fatny. He fights a lot like a boxer in the early goings and then turns slugger mode on to throttle you. He's one of the top contenders now for a title.
5. Nigel Benn- The super slugger is back. His outstanding record is HOF worthy. And he is just simply adding to his resume. I would be shocked if he's not number three or even number two by next week.
6. Here To FIght- The Roy Jones Jr of OB is back and taking em all out. Much like Nigel he'll be on top in a week but he has the ability to take out Fatny. Often regarded as the best of all time. He seems to be back on a mission to reclaim the title of the best.
7. 1 Dope Mexican - This guy is scary. I don't know what it is, but this guy should be a lot more recognized than he is. Recently just beat Viper multiple times and has always stayed on the path of winning. This guy could be the next champion when Fatny is done.
8. Black Bear - This guy is great. He has a completely balanced fighting game and it's shocking how he gets his opponents on the ropes by controling the fight. He's the top contender in the OBA division for a reason and he's shown he can mix it up with the top fighters in the game.
9. Squeezed Head - This guy is a talent. He took a break from the game, but now hes back for some damage control. He will take even the best into the deeper rounds. He had some wars with Fatny going 15 rounds and beat me like I was nothing. He can easily become a champion in the future.
10. Oscar De La Hoya- Despite him not fighting in a while. He is still relatively active and sports a great record. He is top ten in three of the four divisions and wears his opponents down before blasting them with hard shots. He is known to play the stamina game and fights all the B and A class fighters.

I would like to join. I am the PROFESSOR! aka Brown Bomber aka Flash Capers. Im -TFF- Flash. I would like to join because this is THE best clan out by far. That other one has no skills and Ive beaten almost everyone from P4P many times with ease. Do you accept my offer?
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