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Messages posted by: sugarray
Forum Index » Profile for sugarray » Messages posted by sugarray
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Count me in.
He's a very solid fighter - has one of the quickest jabs out there. Patience is the only way to beat him.
LOL, yes you beat me twice. Don't get too excited though, I fought like an idiot both times. Next time I won't completely ignore defence and stamina.
Sorry man, you've got some more rust to shake off before you're top 10.
Haven't seen one of these in a while, so here goes:

1) Fatny

2) Larry Holmes

3) Squeezed Head

4) The 1 Dope Mexican

5) Nigel Benn

6) Salvador Sanchez

7) Black Bear


9) Tigeruppercut

10) Bukowski (Whoever he is)
His record, title history and longevity speak for themselves. Though he has never dominated the way in which others have, notably Labratory, HTF and now Fatny, he has been a legitimate top 5 fighter for as long as I can remember, going back to the old graphics and throughout all the changes and developments that the game game has subsequently undergone. I also believe he has helped shape online boxing into what it is today. Not many will remember, but he more or less pioneered the hit and move style of boxing that is so popular today, and for a long time it was only me and him who utilized the body jab effectively. He taught me how to throw that punch and for a period the two of us were almost unbeatable. Of course others followed in our footsteps, but the point is that Tyrant was the first and I don't think he's ever been given credit for that. He's paid he dues, and I think it's time he was rewarded. I'm sure others will agree.
Forum Index » Profile for sugarray » Messages posted by sugarray
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