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Messages posted by: pj06
Forum Index » Profile for pj06 » Messages posted by pj06
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The most honest fighter in this game has got to be fernando vargas as he fights with heart and if ge loses he dont start any heat, cheers fernando.
larry is a ducker
larry doesnt fight he ducks

he no champ
Larry doesnt fight anymore due to champion ducking, hes gettin rusty in his OLD age and any one could ko that fool.
yea ok, how long u think it will take?
At least ppl cant call u a pussy if u enter a vet torno
yea as long as we take part we are not botherd being beat by a legend
sweet bro, thanx
I think every 1 should take part in the reunion tournament
u said that i get a rm
its me clay
do i not get a shot rocky?
lol i hope so as im gonna take that sa title from u rocky
rock its clay here, id like to say thanks for the compliment, and secondly that u should fight sjillz as u would prob put him to shame, as i beat him down.
if i am allowed to compete i will join in
Forum Index » Profile for pj06 » Messages posted by pj06
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