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Messages posted by: TKOknockout
Forum Index » Profile for TKOknockout » Messages posted by TKOknockout
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me too
server off again
i did
mikkel do u have a OB name
nah ye man u not its out of blackred or me
well i think im am
i say its a tie between me and chupas for best newcomer cause we had a good fight but he won but i was getting knockouts as well
and i said i think i didnt so i could
yes im am
now that i have improved i think im ready to fight harder fighters so look out
thanks emmj for sayin im a good fighter but i think its BlackRED
unstop coming back august 16
thats not right i should be at least 9 or 10
can i join
Forum Index » Profile for TKOknockout » Messages posted by TKOknockout
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