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Messages posted by: O R T I Z S E R G I O
Forum Index » Profile for O R T I Z S E R G I O » Messages posted by O R T I Z S E R G I O
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I can barely get past lv 9 =s
sterlihalla wrote:i dont think anyone plays 16 hours a day lol and these rankings are screwed lol everyone trying to follow flashes rankings and its not working lol.

reaper, i think theres 1 person.....YOU. 1 question..isnt it like 3am where you live? LMFAO NOOBLETT
golden just shut the fuck up wudnt know a nerd if you looked in the mirror
aragon..your sig.. it lies mayne.. the part about me losing 100-0 to you in halo 2 is whack..y dont u tell every1 why you never want to play me? just tell em wat u told me. that your afraid mayne. and thats the truth.
ay lad.<--LMFAO. get a life reaper, you play this game way,way, to much...dontcha think.....?
i forgot to mention emmett owner. that guys a BEAST
1.O R T I Z
2. SDK O R T I Z
3. ortiz
4. porkchopSDK
5. porkchop
6. darth maul
7. -crackers- cracker
8. -goldmember- ortiz
9. peter la fleur
10. big mac w cheese
ray stop spamming nub
who wud pay for this game...
1st. m aragon is darth vadAr
2nd. talking trash is part of getting into ur opponents head. if they cant take it, they proly suck - ie. m aragon, emmj204
3rd. im proly 1 of best trash talkers in game or irl
if u like em and r in SDK, il make u one
CO-LEADER =X sig is up, but stupid photobucket resizes it..
aragon, ive almost finished the sdk sig. but it wont work on these forums :s il have to fix it tomorow.
i agree.. lots of people that have played alot since the update were u can hit while crouched have been taking advantage of it and k0ing many good people dispite them being "less good"
Forum Index » Profile for O R T I Z S E R G I O » Messages posted by O R T I Z S E R G I O
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