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Messages posted by: Mike semaj
Forum Index » Profile for Mike semaj » Messages posted by Mike semaj
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1000 loses
of the wrost fighter ever cause i suck so bad im going to have 100 loses befor win and shit lol
can you make me a sig a blue with what ever kind of design butter bean and the words pats on the back and it will be it hey i would pay you for it bro
shut up that why i can kick ur ass right yay!!!!!!!!!!! buddy dont talk trash little kid thats what u look like some titles ur holding is probably some one that u bought from a real titl shop or something
why you call people noob im pretty sure you didnt come straight to OB and killing everybody you see and you anit no pro ur slfe ray you cant beat some of the top fighters red viper will crush you fatny would of murderd you and stuff i know what ur going to you dont have room to talk you cant fight worth crap well its all about trying and some of us have lifes so most dont have to worry about playing a damn video game for ever ya its fun in all but it takes time to get good so give noobs some credit for at less trying to fit in with some thing and maragon and emmj are kool for leting me join i can learn more and more each fight so back off ray and shut ur mouth about call some one noob wtf noob is so retarded who ever brought that word up is a mother fuck ass hole stupid son of bict nose picking yellow ass monkey who eats terds for a living so shut ur mouth noob callers
why why why must i say why is everybody against reaper reapers is a good fighter just cause he pads people so what get over it if you cant beat him the frist time then screw the second time who gives a rats behind about a rm you will get ur rematch some people do like there rank and stuff so if i was him i would be a padder meself cause only thing yall do is complane and complain Wtf up with that just get over it its only a game.... its more better but the text need a little lighting up a bit but its good 4 now
Reaper is all right, he trained me to be better with his blocking and countering moves. like pats said he hasnt done anything wrong to him or me so hes kool.
ya thanks everybody for the congrats but hey im still orking on a background to put on it it will take me a while to wright all of the stuff down the colors and junk but i soulld have one on by next week.
it is i work at the haunted labortory its alsome is can be its even btter when u go then its better on the site
im willing to work up to my standers
nah reaper is kool i respect him he havent did anything wrong to me so i think he a kool guy i know all you dis him but i dont hes alright
me to cause cause you have to pay with crdt dont you and if you send money it wll take weeks befor they get it
Forum Index » Profile for Mike semaj » Messages posted by Mike semaj
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