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Messages posted by: Unstoppable
Forum Index » Profile for Unstoppable » Messages posted by Unstoppable
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Estimated Worth: $ 6,574 USD
DoooDa wrote:Check out the new additions on my Website

DoooDa Is The Greatest Unsolved Mystery!

so you live in georgia?... did the research
Mikkel wrote:I want to fight him, everyone else is to easy.

Been working on my C++(classes are killing me), i still suck but im getting better.
johnbludger wrote:I have not updated the stats in awhile but alot has happened since November 20. Update on: Jan 15

Unstoppable becomes the 3rd fighter in OB History to get over 7000 wins on 1 account.
Unstoppable is #2 on the most knockouts list passing up Larry Holmes.
Unstoppable is #3 on the most title defences list passing up Larry Holmes

Toosmooth becomes the 6th fighter in OB history to get over 5000 wins on 1 account.
Toosmooth also become the 3rd fighter in OB History to get over 10000 fights on 1 account and passed up Larry Holmes.

TRPCHE is #14 on the most wins list passing up Tyrant.
TRPCHE is #7 on the most fights list passing up Nigel Benn.
TRPCHE is #12 on the most knockouts list passing up Tiger uppercut.

Ken Norton is #17 on the most wins list passing up Godfather.

Dick E. Boon is #23 on the most wins list knocking off The Sniper and passing up Labratory.

Reaper is #8 on the most knockouts list passing up John(me).

HTF is #16 on the most knockouts list passing up Tyrant.

Marvin Hagler is #6 on the most draws list passing up Tyson.

Add me 10th on losses on 1 account
johnbludger wrote:Would the vista anti-lag program work on my XP version? If it can then I'll try to fix it. I apologize Mikkel for blaming your server.

try this
johnbludger wrote:Yep I got a nice lag spike. I just did tried this out and heres what I got:

Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
(C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.

C:\Documents and Settings\john>ping -n 300

Pinging [] with 32 bytes of data:

Reply from bytes=32 time=47ms TTL=55
Reply from bytes=32 time=49ms TTL=55
Reply from bytes=32 time=46ms TTL=55
Reply from bytes=32 time=44ms TTL=55
Reply from bytes=32 time=44ms TTL=55
Reply from bytes=32 time=58ms TTL=55
Reply from bytes=32 time=809ms TTL=55
Reply from bytes=32 time=42ms TTL=55
Reply from bytes=32 time=41ms TTL=55
Reply from bytes=32 time=42ms TTL=55
Reply from bytes=32 time=43ms TTL=55

It gets worse after this so I just cut it off.

Did u fix it and try a second time?

Also here is another site........

So for everyone who says server sucks, it is wireless the whole time thats messing up gameplay so give this a try

Hope this works good luck...

open run and type ping -n 300 check results and look at the website
Couture wrote:Yea, I told him many times before if he doesn't stop slowing down fights on purpose im not fighting him, but he keeps doing it.

Saw him do it tonight to BonerCancer soo I am done with him too, never fighting him again.

lol i said bonecrusher... loud and wrong
From this day forward I have had enough of slug cheating and skipping fights... he purposely lagged this fight against bonecrusher and when bonecrusher left the fight slugger then charged him and hit him with two rights...Prior to the two rights i saw slug going towards dude and i said slug u better not... he still continued... Here's the fight

Before the fight him and slugger both agreed that if it lags they would both leave...

From this day forward I have slugger on permanent ignore... dude has lost all my respect...
Redneck wrote:Whats up with the Veterans?
I miss the following Veterans:
- Boon
- Red Viper

It looks like Red Viper got other games to play now and stopped trying to get one of the best in OB. He told several times about a big comeback but it never happened.
Boon disappeared suddenly and never been seen again..

OB is Dying slowly
johnbludger wrote:
Dick E. Boon wrote:How can I freeze a fight Unstop?

And to Mikkel, I didn´t know he froze. I threw 2 jabs in his face to see if he would move. All I saw was fear in his eyes.

This is me fighting Unstop on his alt yesterday so you know where the fear is coming from:

Tonight I am gonna knock this Joker out and hand him over his retirement cheque.

No that would be my job boonie.

Looks like its flip-sided... john is retired in my eyes.... IM JUST SAYING...
Dick E. Boon wrote:How can I freeze a fight Unstop?

And to Mikkel, I didn´t know he froze. I threw 2 jabs in his face to see if he would move. All I saw was fear in his eyes.

This is me fighting Unstop on his alt yesterday so you know where the fear is coming from:

Tonight I am gonna knock this Joker out and hand him over his retirement cheque.

Redneck wrote:lets do a little tournament tonight. Why not doing a supersix tonight? Everyone that is interested in the tournament please send here. If we just get 3-4 people we ask the guys online tonight when we meet for it.

Redneck vs.




Winner of 1. Match vs. Winner of 2. Match
Winner of 1. Match vs. Winner of 3. Match
Winner of 2. Match vs. Winner of 3. Match

If there are 2 even we got a Finalmatch and if someone wins 2 and all others not we got a winner without any further match.


Tourament is scheduled for the Prime Time tonight.

Im down
CaptainAmerica wrote:I like these fixes, the jab is the essential key to winning a tough fight on the scorecards. Also it will help pick apart the opponents defense even more good stuff Fat

Me and Mikkel came up with the ideas... while we were fighting each other... u know i like to get some credit lol
NEW CHANGES: Stronger Jab
ARE AS FOLLOWS Cross block blocks lean JAB
Forum Index » Profile for Unstoppable » Messages posted by Unstoppable
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