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Messages posted by: Red Viper
Forum Index » Profile for Red Viper » Messages posted by Red Viper
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EDDIE54 wrote:it looks like im the badguy cuz i beat a champ right

Wrong, you are the badguy because you cheated to win a title, plain and simple. You seriously think that was a good way to win title, absolutely not. You done that by doing a glitch. You won't get any respect by cheating your way to a title and you should know that by now.

Unlike Goldenboy and Catfish, you did not win the championship fair and square. I hate to say this but you did not defeat or beaten Reaper. Your title win was nothing but a fluke, and you dam well know it.

Eariler today, I had to teach your stupid ass a lesson because you ran your god dam mouth like a two year old bitch and you talked a lot of shit, and in the result I beaten you not once but twice.

You better think twice of doing this bullshit again. In the near future, you better learn to use a lot of common sense and don't make the same mistake again. If you do, then you will pay the consequences for it.

All of the above that I have just said is basically a fact, not an opinion. Know the difference between the two. Normally I don't take on sides but I have to agree with Reaper on this one. I don't know a lot about the Catfish and Goldenboy situation. Also, I am here to tell the true facts of this and break this down by piece by piece.

Watch this link a thousand times in slow motion, and tell me if you did not cheat. A fact is a fact eddie, so deal with it.
29 time Online Boxing Champion
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Number One KO Artist with 4,000 wins or more
The Master of Slugging
72% Winning Percentage
Member Since February 2003
OB Name- Red Viper
Grim wrote:K so this guy with a padded record because he sucks named dodge fights me. Im kicking his ass and he knows it. My dad asks me to do something so I go afk and he quickly KO's me. I go lol w/e rematch me. He respond lol "of course I ko you you are too easy, you will get better then leaves instantly" Im like wow community sucks. So I decide to embarrass this guy because hes a dick and want everyone to know he did not beat me, and he got cocky just for getting his ass kicked.

PS: He's a padder.

I defiantly agree with you Grim because that guy defiantly cheated, and he did not win at all. I know hes not the better fighter because his defence is nowhere near good as yours. Plus, he is not even that accurate.

This Dodge character A.K.A. Weedgrinder is just overlooking you, plain and simple. Dodge better think twice the next time he fights you because I know you destroy him pretty easily. Everyday you see him just prove his ass wrong and make him eat his words.
29 Time Online Boxing Champion
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Number One KO Artist In OB History
72% Winning Percentage
5 Year Veteran
OB Name- Red Viper
I'll be gone for about two weeks because I am going on a vacation. I will be back on the night of July 3rd.

Peace Out
29 Time Online Boxing Champion
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Number One KO artsit in OB History
72% Winning Percentage
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Member Since February 2003
A.K.A.- Nick P., Nick Bomb, Texan Red Wolf, Dallas Bomber, The Scorpion King, Iron Claw, Iron Dragon, The Red Destroyer, The Barbarian, and The Night Shogun.
OB Name- Red Viper
sterlihalla wrote:
Red Viper wrote:
sterlihalla wrote:er gf viper but i dont see the point in posting it.
You just spammed alot of right hands and caught me as i went for a wide shot.
It happens i made alot of mistakes that night i lost my titles about 2 times lol.

Um, yes there is a point of me posting this. I always post good knockout shots like this against top fighters.

In the first fight, you did not defend well thats why i knocked you out easily.

In the seond win, you go for the long hook, and then i knocked you out again because you missed your shot. I have koe'd thousands of people that went for long hook and missed especially Yacoob.

Yea shit happens but i KO people everyday because i can find shots and nail them easily before they hit the mat, and that applies to everyone except Fatny.

To avoid getting KO'ed by me but that won't be easy, you have to defend your very best and fight smart. If you don't you will have a 110% chance of me knocking you out and that has happened to almost everyone in the past and present.
27 time Online Boxing Champion
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Number One KO Artist in OB History
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Member Since February 2003
A.K.A.- Nick P., Nick Bomb. Texan Red Wolf, Iron Dragon, Iron Claw, The Dallas Bomber, The Scorpion King, The Red Destroyer, The Barbarian, and The Night Shogun
OB Name- Red Viper

Well ur actually very easy to avoid but sometimes i dont think straight and loss a gd example was me losing my obw title to you then the freeze loss to you then you keeping the title not giving me another shot wanting to have the title for a day that was your words "let me have the title for the day" that is not the words of the champ viper so dont expect to be treated like a champ dont complain when people overlook you or think your shit because the fact is you act like it.

Wow you wanna bitch about the title, how childesh. Man seriously you got to lighten up. You act like that your title but its not. This is not the olympics, so don't cry about me KO'ing you for my title. You really think this a big deal, but its not.

Why you deserve another shot that day. You lag the whole entire fight and that freeze is defiantly your fault. I am not going to lose my title because of your stupid MSN freeze bullshit. You got freezed KO so fucking what. People freeze KO me, do i bitch about it, no. Unlike you, i forget about the loss and move on to the next challenge. But no, you act like a two year old and cry like a little bitch on the forums writing this load of bullshit. You act this loss is like losing the world war. You freeze KO way more people than me because of that you shouldn't be talking.

Even the first fight that i did beat you, you did not even say gf once. Even Good Fight and everyone else in that room agrees with me. You really i am shitty champ. I think your a shitty champ also because you don't give everyone shots and you exclude people such as X-treme Skillz, alts and others that deserve shots as well. Excluding people shots is not what real champs do.

I was right about the last sentence of my post, if you did not defend me, you will have a 110% chance of me Knocking you out, and that is exactly what happened. In that freeze KO fight, i had you in the corner and your about to lose anyway in your bs lag. You need to learn to give credit to people when they beat you. But no, you insult people when you beat them and a good example of that is when you beat tigeruppercut and you tell him he sucks. When you lose, you make excuses and cry like a little girl and that is exactly you did yesterday. Don't act like that in real life, if you do everyone will laugh at you and humiliate you in front of everyone. Nobody is overlooking me, the only person that is overlooking me and thinking i am "shit" is you. Every person that overlooked me has lost, and that exactly what happened last night. Thats the main reason many people respect me a lot more than they do to you. All of things that i have just said are true.

I was about to give you another shot, but i feel that you don't deserve one because of your piss poor attitude. I will change my mind if you act like an adult and take your losses like a true fighter would. Here is the final thing that i going to say you, just grow up and the shut the fuck up because your not mature enough to handle the truth.
28 time Onlineboxing Champion
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Member Since February 2003
A.K.A.- Nick P., Nick Bomb. Texan Red Wolf, Iron Dragon, Iron Claw, The Dallas Bomber, The Scorpion King, The Red Destroyer, The Barbarian, and The Night Shogun
OB Name- Red Viper

This is the gamespot Review of this sorry excuse of a Boxing game. This has more negatives than positives.

Score- 5.5

The Good- Plenty of real fighters, Lengthy Career mode and Don King's hair.

The Bad- Controls are too complicated and unresponsive, Career mode's story is poorly executed, Gameplay is dull, Punches lack "oomph" and Presentation is behind the times.

Full Review-

I posted this for the those that wanted to know the gamespot review of the game.

After i've read both IGN's and Gamespot's review i suggest that you stay away from this game as possible. If you buy this game, it will be the dumbest decison of your life because your not going to like it when you play it.
28 time Online Boxing Champion
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Number One KO Artist in OB History
W- 4679
L- 1793
KO's- 4637
Member Since February 2003
A.K.A.- Nick P., Nick Bomb, Texan Red Wolf, The Dallas Bomber, The Scorpion King, Iron Claw, Iron Dragon, Red Destroyer, The Barbarian and The Night Shogun
OB Name- Red Viper
CaptainAmerica wrote:is that for the wii cause im brother was going to buy that

Nope, the review that just came out for this game is for the XBOX 360. The Nintendo wii one has not come out yet, you have to wait until September for that.

Full Review-
28 time Online Boxing Champion
OBW- 7
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OBC- 6
SA- 4
NA- 3
OBF- 2
Number One KO Artist in OB History
W- 4679
L- 1793
KO's- 4637
A.K.A.- Nick P., Nick Bomb, Texan Red Wolf, The Dallas Bomber, The Scorpion King, Iron Claw, Iron Dragon, Red Destroyer, The Barbarian and The Night Shogun
OB Name- Red Viper


Oi, sorry for the language, but wow.... please, listen to me people, DO NOT buy this game.

I agree with you Catfish, i knew this game would be bad. The Career mode is going to suck because it will repeat everytime you play it and you only play as one weight class. Plus this game has no replay value whsts so ever. The producers of this game did a poor job of making the gameplay fun to play. They also did a horrible job of advertising and marketing this game also. Even classic boxing games like Punch-Out are a lot more fun to play than this. Thanks for putting up the review Catfish.

I can't believe the stupid fanboys on the 2k Sports board such as Shadio3 and FighterforJC are buying this sorry excuse of a boxing game. I hope they better think twice to buy this game after they read the bad reviews for this game. I'll wait for Fight Night Round 4.
28 Time Online Boxing Champion
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Number One KO Artist of OB History
W- 4679
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KO's- 4637
Member Since February 2003
A.K.A.- Nick P, Nick Bomb, Texan Red Wolf, Iron Claw, Iron Dragon, The Dallas Bomber, The Scorpion King, Red Destroyer, The Barbarain and The Night Shogun
OB Name- Red Viper

sterlihalla wrote:er gf viper but i dont see the point in posting it.
You just spammed alot of right hands and caught me as i went for a wide shot.
It happens i made alot of mistakes that night i lost my titles about 2 times lol.

Um, yes there is a point of me posting this. I always post good knockout shots like this against top fighters.

In the first fight, you did not defend well thats why i knocked you out easily.

In the seond win, you go for the long hook, and then i knocked you out again because you missed your shot. I have koe'd thousands of people that went for long hook and missed especially Yacoob.

Yea shit happens but i KO people everyday because i can find shots and nail them easily before they hit the mat, and that applies to everyone except Fatny.

To avoid getting KO'ed by me but that won't be easy, you have to defend your very best and fight smart. If you don't you will have a 110% chance of me knocking you out and that has happened to almost everyone in the past and present.
27 time Online Boxing Champion
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Number One KO Artist in OB History
W- 4677
L- 1793
KO's- 4635
Member Since February 2003
A.K.A.- Nick P., Nick Bomb. Texan Red Wolf, Iron Dragon, Iron Claw, The Dallas Bomber, The Scorpion King, The Red Destroyer, The Barbarian, and The Night Shogun
OB Name- Red Viper

I didn't retire him, he beaten me after that fight. I just posted this because I Ko'ed a good fighter with a good knockout.
27 time Onlineboxing Champion
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Number One KO Artist in OB History
W- 4663
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KO's- 4621
Member Since February 2003
A.K.A.- Nick P, Nick Bomb, Texan Red Wolf, Iron Dragon, The Dallas Bomber, The Scorpion King, The Red Destroyer, The Barbarian, and The Night Shogun
OB Name- Red Viper
This was my first title win against Reaper

How I KOed Him- three Rapid long rights with head jabs on the way down.

27 time Online Boxing Champion
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Number One KO Artist in OB History
W- 4663
L- 1787
KO's- 4621
Member Since- February 2003
A.K.A.- Nick P, Nick Bomb, Texan Red Wolf, Iron Dragon, The Scorpion King, The Red Destroyer, The Barbarian, and The Night Shogun.
OB Name- Red Viper
Here's proof- go down to niwde787 on the first page and it shows a picture that you can't change your weightlcass and yes it does suck. I do not know what the hell are the creators of this game are thinking.

Unlike Fight Night, you can't choose your own nickname. You have to play as "The Kid". Only thing you can change is his appearance, entrance music, style, and name.

The only thing i did not like Fight Night Round 3 was its career mode had no rankings.
24 time Online Boxing Champion
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Member Since- February 2003
OB Name- Red Viper
Oscar wrote:Just found out about this

Comes out in 6 days, looks behind it's time though, especially from such a prestigious company. Doesn't look like you can get up close and fight with style but at a set range just like Fight Night . Still gonna get it though, just for the sake of having a boxing game for my 360.

EDIT: Found this site too

The main video here does the game much more justice, looks like the career mode is much more in-depth that Fight Night's. Amateur fights and much more training mini-games.

They've included Calzaghe, Pavlik, Larry Holmes, Cesar Chavez, Shannon Briggs, Bomani, Norton, Chris John, Macarinelli, Joe Louis, Archie Moor, Nigel Benn, Marciano, Eubank & lots more so the choice of boxers is pretty good, especially the classic boxers that they've chose, not just the mainstream classics like Ali and Frazier.

I think the presentation this game does look good but this game looks pretty crappy to me. The gameplay just looks way too slow and robotic. If you see the gamplay video of Samuel Peter vs Andrew Golota on you will know what i am talking about. You may have a different opinion than me but i don't have a problem with it.

Now to the Career Mode, i do agree with you it does have a lot of depth but there is some things that i do not like about it. The main thing i do not like about career mode is that you can only play as one weight class, which is heavyweight. I personally think thats just stupid because i rather play a career mode that lets you to play with every weight class that is in the game. I personally think that the documentary part of the career is just stupid. I rather play an open career mode with rankings that lets you defend titles multiple times in more than one weight class. This game's career mode will be the same as the first after your done playing through the first time so it has not a lot of replay value except playing tons of exibition matches. I hope the next game adds a tournament mode with it to make a more reply value. Plus its the same people that created the shitty Rocky games.

Graphics of this game do not look good for an XBOX 360 game. The one thing i do like about this game is the soundtrack and its pretty good. The Don King intros looks boring to me. I did check the 2k Sports boards but the administrators did a horrible job of advertising this game and getting the info of this game as early as possible. I don't have a problem with someone having a different opinion than me. If you like the game, buy it and pay $60.00 and have a good time playing it.

I am very sure that Tyrant will buy this game also because i see him a lot on the 2k Sports boards. I am defiantly not going to buy this game, I'll just wait for Fight Night Round 4.
24 time Online Boxing Champion
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Number #1 KO Artist in OB History
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Member Since- February 2003
OB Name- Red Viper
sterlihalla wrote:Rofl i gues we all know who good fight is now.
Stealth u wont get sense out of oscar and ray because they have had a vendetta against me ever since there shitty gym and rocky is jus obsessed lol.
Il knock everyone in this thread out enless fatny posts lol minus fatny so stfu.
From what i hear labratory had a bigger mouth then me at least i have calmed down with my smack talk.
Either way i can back my mouth none of u in here can except fatny.
I know why the ex P4P gym members doesnt like me which use to have in there: oscar,ray johnson,rocky marciano etc.. they all got pised when they was powerless to stop me knocking them out.
Stop whining about i ruin ob blah blah blah its gotten boring thats a fact so get over it.
You gna make excuses why 3d gets unpopular to? dumb fucks
So when you get to hell or heaven tell them reaper sent u thats if u got the balls to fight me il break all ur fine chinas haha.
Also to be fair p4p gym basically started getting there friends in this lil reaper vendetta which is a pussy move to do.

First you badmouthed P4P, now you badmouthed the way I fight. What is the next thing that your going to bad mouth, me beating you.

You think P4P brought a vendetta against you, they did not start it, you did. You brought this vendetta on yourself.

You knocked everyone out in this thread? So far I am the only one that posted on this thread that knocked you out today, and thats a fact.

Don't even compare yourself to Labratory because you will never be good as him. Yes he talked shit, but the only difference between you and him was that he never made an excuse when he loses.

Your catch phrases on your second to last sentence absolutely suck because you don't make any sense what so ever and you probably stole those quotes from something else.

So you compare yourself to Miguel Cotto, Nigel Benn and Mikkel Kessler, I don't think so. The person that defiantly compares to you is none other than Charlie Zelenoff. The reason is because the both of you act exactly the same and both of you have no common sense what so ever. I don't box in real life but i saw your videos on youtube. Plus both of yours and Charlie's boxing careers will fail faster than the speed of light.

Your the one who always starts to create flame wars online and offline. Today was a great example of it.
25 time Onlineboxing Champion
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Number 1 KO Artist in OB History
W- 4599
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KO's- 4557
Member Since- February 2003
OB Name- Red Viper

Stealth wrote:dude why does everyone like hate on him yeah if ya think hes a fucken tool then just dont talk to him treat him with little kid punishments if ya want damn

Oscar has a good explanation but there are more reasons to hate Reaper. Most people dislike Reaper because he does not respect anyone what so ever. He does not give you credit when you beat him. Instead, he makes thousands of excuses. Plus, he lags worse than ever. Even Bruce Lee and Black Bear was complaining about Reaper's lag.

Here is a prime example, after i beaten him three straight times without lag, and then he said "Viper, you fight like a fag now". He never said gf once and also never gave me credit to those three wins. After my last fight against him, then he disrespects my style. Here's some advice Reaper, if you don't like the way i fight, then don't bitch about it, simple as that. You don't see me disrespecting your style. No offence Reaper, all you mostly do is use hooks and haymakers, if you miss the haymaker shot and I survive well against you, I have a better chance of beating you. Those three fights just proved that. To all that said, that tells me you don't respect me at all. Those are the reasons why I get way more respect than you.

Next time I fight you Reaper, I don't want to hear you making lame excuses, don't whine about my style and just take the loss like a man. Is that clear for you.
25 time Onlineboxing Champion
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Number 1 KO Artist in OB History
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Member Since- February 2003
OB Name- Red Viper
HTF wrote:Leave it down. To many assholes. may sound shit to those who really do thank you Mikkel.

But those people who do will stay around and wait and maybe join up on 3d.

leave it down. thin out the childish little pricks.

HTF, leaving 2D down is just stupid because not everyone plays 3D. Many people have a difficult time to work and play OB3D including myself. 3D does not work on my computer so thats why i play 2D more.

I do have the same problem as the professor and others because when i try to load 3D up, the screen disappears.

I'll wait patiently until 2D is fixed.
24 time Onlineboxing Champion
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Number One KO Artist in OB History
The Master of Slugging
L- 1727
KO's- 4493
Member Since February 2003
OB Name- Red Viper
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