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Messages posted by: Vargas
Forum Index » Profile for Vargas » Messages posted by Vargas
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I am proud to say I am one of the few to put multiple loses on that record .

Vargas Head2Head Rocky Balboa

I am unsure whether this person actually wants their identity known, or not. Although, it wasn't a big secret back when I played. So in light of that I cannot tell you. However, I know who it is.

Fernando Vargas wrote:who is this Vargas using my name, im not this vargas guy..

Sorry Fernando, I am pretty sure I was around before you buddy .

Not to be rude, I will introduce myself to ya. I played OB back just after it got moved up in graphics to the "now" old 2-d. This was back with Under_Dog, Labratory, Ashton and others. Even though some of them still play now, I was with them before most got 1000 wins. Before I quit, I was the next HoF hopeful. I was pretty much the only person beating Labratory in that day, heh we had some pretty good battles. Anyways very nice to meet you Fernando.

I plan on coming back once I can get the 3-D version of OB working. We will brush off some of this rust and get back into shape with the new graphics.
This shouldn't be on the forums so whenever someone gets a chance delete this or move it pretty please ^^...

However, yes I forfilled every requirement that was stated by the technical forums. I tried every piece of information given on that forums.

Just put this post in wrong spot is all
Oscar wrote:
Vargas wrote:Rofl...

-.- stupidest thing anyones ever said. Even Mayweather showed loads of respect for Hatton and his non-stop attitude in the ring after the fight yet your laughing?

You all need to chill, christ. I wasn't laughing to mock Hatton or show disrespect. I was laughing because, if you had watched 24/7 with those two you would know how much trash talking and stupid crap those two said, which made it funny pending the results.

Really really makes me not want to return to the game, when people act like that on the forums. Immediately attacking someone without knowing their meaning. Sure I probably could have put a reason but I wasn't the one jumping to conclusions and attacking...

Chill out...
Bleh sorry, delete this please or move it to technical. Wasn't thinking
Hey all, this is Vargas from back in the day . Hows everyone doing.

Anyways, downloaded the 3-D client, and everything. Tried to run it and it will not let me do it. It doesn't even give me an error or say its not running. It just doesn't even try. If anyone knows of any quick fixes for this, I would appreciate a reply.

Take it ez all
This is a long over due greeting to my old friends here at

Some of you may not know who I am, but thats ok. I am an old player from back in the day. For those who do remember me, glad to see you all are still around. I hope all of you are doing well and having great lives. I have seen many changes in the game since I have played and it is like learning to play the game all over again .

I have had some free time on my hands and I may actually start playing again. I am not sure if I will get into the game as hard as I was into back when I played. However, I will be trying to drop in more frequently to talk with old friends and make some new ones.

I am undecided whether or not I will be using the name Vargas for my first games back. I may make a bogus name to get practice in before I attempt any bouts on my real account name.

Anyways, I just wanted to give my buds a shout out. It has been too long. I hope all is well. You probably have some stories for me as well

[Edit] - I am aware that a player by the name of Fernando Vargas exists and I hope I am not to be confused with any other Vargas characters that have been made in my absence.
Forum Index » Profile for Vargas » Messages posted by Vargas
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