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Messages posted by: M.A.Barrera
Forum Index » Profile for M.A.Barrera » Messages posted by M.A.Barrera
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Since Im just returning,will I be considered a rising star?LOL j/k

MAB is in
Hi mikkel,
I noticed that my pic is gone in the HOF page,can get get it back up please?
I was proudly showing a friend of mine mi OB accomplishments and noticed the pic gone.
Thx bro,i know you will take care of this.
Im checking in,letting you all know that Im back.
I have fought a few times,and have felt pretty good.
Tonight I fought Reaper 3 times and Tyrant twice.
I felt like I did pretty good.

Thanks T and larry for the nice welcome back words.
I have missed you guys and this game,ever since I stopped playing a few months ago.
Hopefully I can stay and play more.
See you guys in the ring.
Forum Index » Profile for M.A.Barrera » Messages posted by M.A.Barrera
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