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Messages posted by: Red Viper
Forum Index » Profile for Red Viper » Messages posted by Red Viper
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EDDIE54 wrote:what do those stars mean

The stars by your name is called Karma, which people rate you 1 to 5 stars.
5 time OBW Champ
3 time SA Champ
2 time NA Champ
1 time OBC, OBF, OBA Champ
Best fighter with the best KO Percentage above 2000 fights with a 99% KO Rating
Expeirence- 4 1/2 Years
Signature Moves- The Viper Cutter, The Viper Shot
A.K.A.- Texan Red Wolf, Red Destroyer, The Barbarian, Iron Claw, The Scorpion King, Dallas Bomber, Nick Bomb, and Nick P.
OB Name- Red Viper
Ray Johnson wrote:If i'm next, i'll eat you alive.

I beg to differ, i just TKO'ed you in 3 rounds, and plus you rarely beat me.
5 time OBW Champ
3 time SA Champ
2 time NA Champ
1 time OBC, OBF, OBA Champ
OB Class- A
Experience- 4 1/2 years
Best Fighter with the best KO Percentage above 2000 fights with a 99% KO Rating
Signature Moves- The Viper Shot, and The Viper Cutter
A.K.A.- Texan Red Wolf, Red Destroyer, The Barbarian, Iron Claw, The Scorpion King, Nick P. and Nick Bomb.
OB Name- Red Viper
Heres the results between me and Sniper

Red Viper KO 2 The Sniper
Red Viper KO 5 The Sniper

2-0 Me

Good fight Sniper, Flash or Ray Johnson your Next.
5 time OBW Champ
3 time SA Champ
2 time NA Champ
1 time OBC, OBF, OBA Champ
Signature Moves= The Viper Shot, and The Viper Cutter
Best fighter in OB with the best KO Percentage above 2000 fights with a 99% KO Rating
OB Class- A
Experience- 4 1/2 Years
A.K.A.- Red Destroyer, Texan Red Wolf, Nick Bomb, Nick P., Iron Claw, The Scorpion King, The Barbarian, and The Dallas Bomber.
OB Name- Red Viper
yeman06 wrote:hi ppl im gunna make a tourny if any 1 is interested in joining no prize but u get braggin rights only 16 ppl can compete im in so now there is only 15 places left

to apply for a position

ob name:
No. of fights youve had:
current rank in oba obw etc:

I will join but i have most of my time on the weekends because of my college schedule.

OB Name- Red Viper
No of Fights youve Had

Losses- 880
KO's- 2499

OBA- 14
OBC- 3
OBF- don't care
5 time OBW Champ
3 time SA Champ
2 time NA Champ
1 time OBC, OBF, OBA Champ
Signature Moves- Viper Shot, and The Viper Cutter
Experience- 4 1/2 years
Class Between B+ and A
A.K.A- Texan Red Wolf, Red Destroyer, Scorpion King, Iron Claw, The Barbarian, Nick P, The Dallas Bomber. and Nick Bomb
OB Name- Red Viper
USA wrote:
Red Viper wrote:
USA wrote:k koo we are tieed up

Not anymore because i just defeated Unstoppable, plus your clan does not have a chance to win this unless your other fighters in your clan turn it around.
5 time OBW Champ
3 time SA Champ
2 time NA Champ
1 time OBC Champ
1 time OBF Champ
1 time OBA Champ
Signature Moves- Vipe Cutter, and the Viper Shot
Class- Between B+ and A
Experience- 4 1/2 years
OB Name- Red Viper

shut it u fool u lost to me like 500times already u dont deserve to fight no more shame on u

500 times, get real. You only beat me one day so fucking what, i have beaten you every other day, and yes this is present terms. I was talking about the clan war dumbass not each other.

Listen up punk, all you do is bitch, bitch, bitch, and bitch some more every single time i beat you. After i beaten you two or more times you keep begging for rematches like a litte bitch. Face it shitface, you can't take a loss like a man and don't deny it.

You think i am cocky, I don't think so. Your the one that is cocky because all you is bad mouth me and spit it back my fucking face after every single fight. Well guess what, i am not going to put up with your bullshit no more.

You think your so god dam cool by insulting me, NOT. Next time you lose to me you better not bitch, you piece of shit. If you do, i will humilate your stupid ass just like i did to Yacoob, and many other fighters that i have beaten over the years. USA, you sure suck at writing sentences, and learn to spell you stupid fuck.

Speaking of the clan war, your clan probably won't win because Unstoppable needed to win this fight against me but he did not, and our remaining fighters will probably beat SDK's remaing fighters, and that is my predicition of this clan war.
5 time OBW Champ
3 time SA champ
2 time NA Champ
1 time OBC Champ
1 time OBF Champ
1 time OBA Champ
Signature Moves- Viper Cutter, The Viper Shot
OB Class- Between B+ and A
Best Fighter with a KO Rating above 2000 wins with a 99% KO rating.
Experience= 4 1/2 years
OB Name- Red Viper
USA wrote:k koo we are tieed up

Not anymore because i just defeated Unstoppable, plus your clan does not have a chance to win this unless your other fighters in your clan turn it around.
5 time OBW Champ
3 time SA Champ
2 time NA Champ
1 time OBC Champ
1 time OBF Champ
1 time OBA Champ
Signature Moves- Vipe Cutter, and the Viper Shot
Class- Between B+ and A
Experience- 4 1/2 years
OB Name- Red Viper
TKO wrote:someone out there that can train me

Well someone already trained you, and that is me.
5 time OBW Champ
3 time SA Champ
2 time NA Champ
1 time OBC Champ
1 time OBA Champ
1 time OBF Champ
Best Fighter with a KO percentage above 2000 fights with a 99% KO Rating.
Class- Between B+ and A
Experience- 4 1/2 years
Moves- Viper Shot, Viper Cutter
OB Name- Red Viper
TKO wrote:y do ya hate him hes cool....everyday ya have something bad to say about him y is that everyday i hear reaper is this reaper is that

TKO HAS SPOKEN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I agree, i don't hate him as well. Reaper has friends or allies on this site, and i am one of them, and people don't know it. Hes probably one of the few fighters that can go toe to toe with me in some fights, but not in others. Plus Reaper has a very good KO percentage like myself, in a short period of time.

In my opinion Yacoob should be more hated than Reaper, because he writes bullcrap stories, and he can't even take a loss like a man, and talks way more shit than Terrell Owens. Unlike Yacoob, Reaper can take a loss, and thats why I have respected Reaper more than Yacoob in many ways.

Some people hated him because they think he padded his record, but he was trying to prove a point to see what or when the ranks are working or not during that time. The other main reason they hated him because they think he ducks top fighters, people like Rocky Mariciano, and Nigel Benn thinks that, but he does not do that anymore i think becuase he just fought Larry Holmes. Many people hated him because some personal reasons that i don't know of.

The only two people i have ever hated in my 4 1/2 year career were Labratory, and Yacoob, and both of them are gone. Serious Business is a punk as well.

Thats all i have to say, and i am just stating the facts as well. Plus TKO, i have read your other post, and i am the one that trained you when you first started.
5 time OBW Champ
3 time SA Champ
2 time NA Champ
1 time OBA Champ
1 time OBC Champ
1 time OBF Champ
Best Fighter with a KO Percentage above 2000 fights with a 99% KO Rating
Moves- Viper Shot, Viper Cutter
Experience- 4 1/2 Years
Class- Between B+ to an A
OB Name- Red Viper
i might join but it probably depends on my college schedule.
5 time OBW Champ
3 time SA Champ
2 time NA Champ
1 time OBC Champ
1 time OBF Champ
1 time OBA Champ
Signature Moves- The Viper Cutter, The Viper Shot
Class- between B+ and a A
Experience- 4 1/2 years under six different names
OB Name- Red Viper
sterlihalla wrote:viper all u have to do is look at his posts and when he joined its different from mine lol any1 can see that

Its probably some dumbass that hates your guts, and possibly your worst enemy.
5 time OBW Champ
3 time SA Champ
2 time NA Champ
1 time OBC Champ
1 time OBF Champ
1 time OBA Champ
Signature Moves- Viper Cutter, and the Viper Shot
Experience- 4 1/2 years
OB Name- Red Viper
sterlihalla wrote:viper that isnt me its another person who created a account like mine.

Then who was it, Reaper.
5 time OBW champ
3 time SA Champ
2 time NA Champ
1 time OBC Champ
1 time OBA Champ
Signature Moves- Viper Shot, and the Viper Cutter
OB Class- Between B+ to A
Experience- 4 1/2 years
OB Name- Red Viper

That means absolutely nothing Reaper, because the next fight we just did unfreezes you will have a 95% chance of losing this fight because you didn't even land many punches as i did and you had zero knockdowns.

Beating me by a split decision does not nesscarily mean you beaten me. Yes you have my respect but your not the better fighter, so don't too cocky about it on the message board. You will lose to me 7/10 fights we have fought, if i am on my A game . When i fight smart, and yesterday was a good example of that, i can beat you easily. Also if was not for the short hook bullcrap when getting crouched, you will have a tougher time beating me, and thats a fact. So that depends who has a better day or not.

So this post means nothing in every single way.
5 time OBW Champ
3 time SA Champ
2 time NA Champ
1 time OBC Champ
1 time OBF Champ
1 time OBA Champ
Signature Moves- The Viper Cutter, The Viper Shot
Class: Between a B+ and a A
OB Experience
OB Name- Red Viper

CANTTUCHTHIS1 wrote:hay red u got some beff on me are something dang man i am jest here to have fun and kick some ass so dont be saying i been saying shit to u because i ant and if i have srry but its port of the game so jest get up and kick some ass lol

I don't have a problem with you, but next time don't get too personal when next time we meet. Next time you lose to me just say gf, and no other bullshit, are we clear, and yes Cassius Clay does need to keep his mouth shut because he has no business talking and i owned him easily.
5 time OBW Champ
3 time SA Champ
2 time NA Champ
1 time OBC Champ
1 time OBF Champ
1 time OBA Champ
Signature Moves- The Cutter of Death, The Viper Shot
OB Class- A
Experience- 4 1/2 Years
OB Name- Red Viper
Heres my results against Unpredictable

SDK- Red Viper TKO 3 Unpredictable

SDK- Red VIper TKO 1 Unpredictable

Good fight Marciano, and you do earn my respect but CTM and Cassius Clay better keep their mouths shut because i just owned them both as well.

I think we should do a Clan War Part 2 for only those who won their fights for P4p and SDK.
5 time OBW Champ
3 time SA Champ
2 time NA Champ
1 time OBC Champ
1 time OBF Champ
1 time OBA Champ
Signature Moves- The Cutter of Death, and The Viper Shot
OB Class- A
OB Experience- 4 1/2 years
OB Name- Red Viper
sterlihalla wrote:ok viper this admin deleted my first post so im gna do it again so people know.
Clan status:active
joining requirements: You will need to post here if you want to join and when i sort the tag out you will need to make a new boxer and our boxing colours are black so you must wear black drunks and shoes.

Ok but i will still play on this name, for the most of the time.
5 time OBW Champ
3 time SA Champ
2 time NA Champ
1 time OBC Champ
1 time OBF Champ
1 time OBA Champ
Signature Moves- The Cutter of Death, and the Viper Shot
OB Name- Red Viper and T.R.B.- Viper
Forum Index » Profile for Red Viper » Messages posted by Red Viper
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