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Messages posted by: GODLIKE
Forum Index » Profile for GODLIKE » Messages posted by GODLIKE
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You are my biatch Reaper:

Smack my bitch (Reaper) up:
Just one little thing for you to see Reaper:

Just a fair warning to everyone:

This guy does not give rematches so DO NOT box him.
The one and only FATNY:
eh ok this one is rated R so kiddies please do not watch this:

The GREAT Lerry Holmes:
Specially for you Fatny:


Message for Reaper:
Well he is not. Here is an example of me pwning him:
In this match I deploy some nice combos using Reaper as my punching bag:
Well please come back because... frankly said I want to beat you in the ring.



"and on the ninth day he descended to onlineboxing"
Hey Mikkel,

There are two issues that need some attention please:'

1. Ever since the launch of new website and whatever changes were done to the java client, the client has been unstable as hell.

- it randomly freezes when loggin in, accepting challenges etc. and it does it too ofthen

2. For whatever reasnon people watching matches lag matches more now regardless of if they have good ping or not

3. Some idiots are lagging matches on purpose coming to watch and then starting to download stuff in order to make ping as bad as they can. By doing this the match they are wathing starts to lag like hell. PLEASE REMOVE THE FEATURE THAT ALLOWS PEOPLE TO WATCH OTHER PEOPLES MATCHES.

- they come and lag

- they fill the screen with text covering the health bar

That's all. Thans in advance for taking time to read this.


"If he wants to look like he is, then that should be fine by everyone."


"I'm not fat, but i can't stand it when people can't even walk on the streets because of other people dissing them about their appearance."

Ofource this should not be done.


"What's the difference with racism?"

There is a difference. Color of a persons skin does not have an effect on my daily life. However if a person is fat he can have major effect in my daily life by just being so god damn fat and here is why:

Now indeed, obesity has become so commonplace in the United States and some other western countries that the asthenic individual has become the exception rather than the rule. With the increasing prevalence (and
incidence, too, for that matter) of obesity in our society, people have come to perceive this state of body habitus as the norm rather than the exception.

In this little sermon on obesity, I stress the many health risks inherent in carrying around excess poundage: coronary risk factors, gallstones, diabetes, colonic adenomas, degenerative joint disease, sleep apnoea and so forth. As you see by being fat these people place MAJOR stress on the healt care system because being so god damn fat is really unhealthy. Granted I hardly ever use public healt care system but the last time I did I had to wait for hours for doctor to check my problem due to there being HUGE que of FAT OBESE people waiting to get their healt issues checked on and most of these health issues being result of them being so god damn fat. Totally unnecessary and prpopably costs a lot too.

Now if a person is black, yellow or whatever his the lolour of his kin happens to be for the most part it has no effect whatsoever to my life. That person can go on and do whatever it is he does and I can go on and do whatever I want to do without colour of his skin having an effect on my life.

Now if a person is fat this all changes. Now for example lets suppose I want to go and fly from Uk to Australia. If the person I am seated next is obese just the fact that he is so fat will make MY LIFE a living hell. He can not fit on his seat because he is so fat and has to lift up the rest between the seats but by doing that his body takes part of my seat and MY SPACE making the whole flight a living hell to me. Just because some people are basically too lazy or unable to take care of them airlines are being forced to make seats bigger so that these fat asses can fit on their seats. This also means each airplane will be able to carry LESS people and since they weight so much anyway each plane will consume more fuel. So as you see basically due these people being so fat level of pollution is increased.

Now it is the same with subway. In some cities of USA they have already replaced subway seats with new and wider one's because these fat asses are so fat they can not fit on the old seats. Also they are so fat that their body can not handle it and they get sick all the time.

Now who excatly is paying for all this? Me. I am paying for all this from those taxes I have to pay. Now all this tax money could be used to something better like building homes for poor people or saving the enviroment but NO NO NO. Instead of that we are forced to use money to make subways have biggers seats becuse those selfish fat asses are too fat to fit on the old seats. This goes on and on meaning the subway thing is only one excample.

Now since I am on a roll I will continue. Yes, it is true - fat people sweat more than the average Joe. This is not just my opinion but a fact meaning it has been reseached. Now these fat pigs roam around like giant whales being sweaty mess stinking like hell. Yes sweat does stink. Now that makes the life of everyone else around them uncomfortable.

So if a person is obese and REALLy fat I say get the hell out of here. I say this beacause that person is being selfish as hell by not taking care of him/herself. I mean how friggin hard can it be to at least stay in normal basic shape? You dont have to be ripped or anything. Just being able to walk up strairs without getting exhausted and sweating like a pig is enough. These fat people are either REALLY lazy, have no control over their lives or just dont friggin care. Eat what you consume and if you eat more then make sure to exercise a bit. How hard can that be?
Fat and obese is what Mike Tyson has become:
Forum Index » Profile for GODLIKE » Messages posted by GODLIKE
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