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Messages posted by: Triangle Man
Forum Index » Profile for Triangle Man » Messages posted by Triangle Man
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catfish2 wrote:
Oscar wrote:
sterlihalla wrote:lmao im really starting to wonder if triangle is a alt.

I'd laugh my arse off if it was Catfish.


oh shit, wait...


and Jig, who said I don't like Mexicans? Hell believe it or not I don't even hate blacks, just racists ones and ghetto ones that ruin their own culture, much like wiggers and white trash do with whites.

And the only thing I changed in my post I just edited was that the way I first worded the analogy didn't portray what I actually meant, so I changed the wording to give the better picture so the intent of what I wanted to say made more sense to the people I was trying to get it to.
Oscar wrote:He reminds me of Toju the "Militant black guy" from balls of steel.

But a serious version.

LoL. Yeah, that'd be a great comparison if he asked for the book and the guy said, "I normally beat up little niggers, but you're in luck - business is slow. You mean Cancun?" .
1 JIGSAW 1 wrote:Their is no reason to blame the action.Your reaction does have a reason to blame for this trashy ass topic.

Yes, there is, as it was offensive enough, or for whatever reason you want to choose, it was [whatever] enough to spark a reaction.

That's like being a store janitor and putting a banana peel on the floor, and then saying, "OMFG YOU GODDAMN IDIOT, NOW I HAVE TO CLEAN UP ALL THIS BLOOD, WHAT A FUCKIN STUPID MORON OMG!!" when someone turns the corner and steps on it because you put it right there infront of him and he cracks his head open and bleeds all over the floor.

The action caused the bloody, messy reaction. You blame the janitor for purposely putting the peel on the floor - not the guy that slipped on it for "stirring things up".
Oscar wrote:
That's your problem, you're looking way too deep into it, saying he's shaming white culture is really pathetic. Go somewhere else if you want to preach against white on white racism, this is a boxing game forum, not the white supremacist society, as I said before, it's better for you to leave or learn to take a joke as you will be constantly pissed off by staying here as banter like that is all over OB.

Someone really needs to delete this shit filled topic.

There you go again. Stop confusing pride and community with racism and supremecy - they're 2 seperate things. You people need to stop thinking, "OMG Nazi White Supremecist!!" everytime a white guy sticks up for or says something about or defending his culture. I don't scream, "OMG Black Panther!" everytime a black does it for example, why do people do it to whites?

You say "Go somewhere else if you want to preach against white on white racism", and I say, "Go somewhere else if you wanna trash whites in your signature".

There was on fuckin need for it to begin with. Again, blame the ACTION, not the REaction.

And when there's racism against other races it's "serious", so why is it suddenly not serious because it's on whites. It's bullshit. Make him change his sig, or let me make mine and we'll all drop it and all is fair and good to go.

I didn't start it, I responded to something that was already there.
1 JIGSAW 1 wrote:IGN's rating

IGN: 5.0

Reader average: 5.7

Press Average: 5.5

--- man this game must be bad

Yeah, I explained why that is in my post.

I'll respond to the other ones in a little bit, gonna either play 3D or go to to store, not sure yet.

Oh and don't get me wrong, yeah, the online is fucking trash imo, LoL. I'm more defending the single-player
Had 2 draws with him last night I think it was, just couldn't get the finishing blow.
Oscar wrote:
Triangle, you're obviously pissed off that black to white racism seems to have a much more lenient feel to it yet white to black seems much more strict

True. But again, it doesn't matter to me if it's a white doing it or not. He's shaming our culture and degrading it, and as another white person, I wont allow it to go without saying something.

I'm using the black examples for the shock value to show it's equivalancy. See when you talk about whites, everyone thinks it's normal, but put it on the black foot and the room gets into a quiet hush as people go, "Omg racist. Was that racism? Is he saying bad stuff about blacks? That guy must be racist. Uhoh, here comes a bad can of worms. Omg did he just say that.", etc..

Once you get that scene, all you do is take the person, strip the black skin, and replace it with white skin, and you see it's the same thing. We're all people.

Oscar wrote:To sum that up, if you're going to take offensive to something so small

It's not small at all when you really look at it deeper.

Also with the Carlos thing, he's making fun of things his culture does to might light of them, sometimes because they're funny. I have no problem even making fun of (in a non-degrading way) my own races little quirks. Everyone has them. But Carlos doesn't go on stage and say, "I beat on little Spics." and then stare blankly at the crowd waiting for a thunderous uproar of laughter

And no, again, I'm not an alt. My brother showed me the game after finding it searching google or yahoo or something for "Multiplayer online boxing" or something like that.
1 JIGSAW 1 wrote:Triangle is stupid no joke. He means white boys, not white boys as in the way you think he means it. He literally means little white boys.ITS A JOKE! and hes white. Has anyone seen Carlos mencia? this is just like that.Hes mexican and he makes jokes against the spanish race as if he racist but thats ok because hes that same race. I just think u misunderstood what catfish had in his sig.

He's a professional comedian for one, people pay to go see him make jokes about it - it's not thrown in their face in public places.

By the way, he's mostly German. No joke. That's not even his real name. He also steals a nice chunk of his good jokes.

Anyway, contribute something instead of "You're stupid", "NO YOU'RE STUPID!", "NO YOU'RE STUPID!!!" so this thread doesn't turn into the last one.

[EDIT]: I get what you were trying to say now after rereading it a few times. I very, very highly doubt that's what he meant. Even if, why specifically whites? Just say, "I eat little kids". Or change the wording to something else not to be confused with a broadly known racial slur. I'm not gonna put, "I eat little niggers" in mine and then say, "Oh, well, I don't literally mean niggers, I just mean blacks. I know that's not what it says, but that's what I meant."
Oscar wrote:

It isn't racist!!!

Yes, it is, as I've explained. And the very fact that I'm enraged about it should probably be an indicator that it's offensive.

And again, here it isn't 2 white boys calling each other "white bastard", it's specifically "White boy", the phrase other races use when racially slurring whites.

I'm not standing for that no matter who says it. Especially whites, because I'm not going to let a member of my own race degrade us and make it appear to everyone that we have no unity and no sense of community or pride like everyone else has (don't get sense of community and pride for your culture confused with racism, it's got nothing to do with that, they're seperate things. Having pride in your community and culture doesn't mean you look down on anyone else's), and make it look ok.
Oscar wrote: But Catfish is white! It's like a white pissing on white, it's like putting water in more water, it just doesn't matter, however if you put a battery in water then that's a whole new problem and there will be a shit load to deal with. Seriously you take this pride thing too far, I'm proud to be white, but I'm by no means offended if another white guy calls me a "white fuck" or something. IF Catfish was black, then and only then would it matter, and if you can't understand that then you need professional help as I don't know how to make it any clearer.

Basically you're accusing a white guy of being racist to a white guy, do you not see how there is no logic in that at all?

(Sorry for the shite analogy.)

Doesn't matter. There's wiggers that hate their own people, they wanna be black, for example. I say wiggers because well, it's alot more fluid to say in a convo than, "A white kid who wants to be black".

Now, if a white guy called me a "white fuck" I probably wouldn't be offended, no, because other races don't usually call me "white fuck" when being racist. They call me "white boy".

"White boy" has ALWAYS been used with negitivity and racism as long as I've ever heard it, just like "nigger".

And secondly, don't ever tell somebody not to have pride in themselves/their culture. That's disgusting. Notice too how that ONLY gets said to whites. For everyone else it's cool and a great thing to be involved with and take pride in your culture. (Which it should be, along with whites and theirs too)
Professor wrote:

Yes, live with it.

K, I'll trade racism for racism. Don't complain when it happens - live with it.
1 JIGSAW 1 wrote:lmao wtf is with you triangle man,are you just waking up to our world or something??? It does make a difference and you should know that. Nobody should have to explain that to you.

And being racist against whites makes a difference to, same as you, and you should know htat. Nobody should have to explain that to you. And incase they havn't before, I am now.
Oscar wrote:
Triangle Man wrote:
How does it make a difference? Explain.

I explained already. I'll run you through it again though, for example say a black guy was walking down the street and saw his white friend and shouted at him saying "whaddup black bastard", the white guy would probably laugh as he means it as an ironic joke, however if the positions were swapped and the white guy shouted it then it's a clear sign of disrespect and a very low joke as no matter how good of friends they are singling out a feature such as skin colour and insulting him for having it, it's still gonna make that guy feel like shit. So if you may know Catfish has been here a long time, most people know him and his sense of humour and his sig is like an ironic joke, it's not like he's trying to insult all white people that are registered on the forum.

Soooo, it's racist when a white pisses on a black, joke or not, but it's NOT racist when a black pisses on a white, joke or not.

Yeah, that mentality is a problem, and that's my whole point.

Blacks have the pride to stand up and defend their own race when pissed on. The last few years whites have cowered in the corner and not made a peep when it happened to them. I'm not one of those whites. I actually have some fucking self pride. Just because whites don't normally pipe up about it doesn't make it right simply because it's not all over the news.

Also just because I'm a "noob" doesn't change anything about the conversation. It also doesn't matter that you've known him a long time. Maybe he's a great, wonderful, caring, hilarious, brilliant person.

That's great. Now he can be a great, wonderful, caring, hilarious, good, brilliant person without a racist comment in his sig. What's the problem?
Mikkel wrote:Black people call each other "nigger" in a friendly way (sorry if I offended anyone) but white cant do that. everyone knows that

Nigga, yeah, which is friendly. The only time I've ever heard them call each other "Niggers" is when mocking whites, and as a kind of tougne-in-cheek joke considering the history.

See to you that's not racist, but most blacks call Cosby a racist for example, for things he's said, even though he's black .
Oscar wrote:Triangle, first of all the "dumb" would make it into an insult and although I personally don't agree with the logic behind it, some black people would find the word "niggers" offensive, especially with dumb in front of it. However if you wrote "I eat little black people" it would be the same, but you'd have to be black, and no matter how much you argue against it, it DOES make a difference, it's like a guy with glasses calling someone without glasses "four eyes", however switch the positions and it's a totally different matter.

How does it make a difference? Explain.

And cat can't "come in like a vet" and leave racist shit in his sig for "noobs" to come and read. Well apparently on these boards he can, but nowhere else I've ever been. When someone trashes your race in their sig, yes, you pretty much earn the right to "raise hell".

With that mentality, MLK and Rosa Parks and everyone else wanting equality was just "raising hell". Yeah, by your guys' standards they're just dumb crybabys that stir up shit for "no reason".
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