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Messages posted by: Ricardo
Forum Index » Profile for Ricardo » Messages posted by Ricardo
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technical never has defended hes a bum and xtreme isnt that gd either.
real champ now is fatny
Rocky you have alot of problems you taking things to far if he claims what he says then let him? its his life not yours you got to much time on your hands seriously...
I think goldenboy is lieing because he looks like a fag on his picture and doesnt look mma material he doesnt even look like a lightwieght lol.
hahah nice rocky you have been hit alot on your head.
What a dum ass rocky marciano why you create punch drunk on the forums to? we all know thats your alt lol.
Also everything you just said was dum i agree with professor.
EDDIE54 wrote:WTF is this madness?? and that sig take it of oscar de la hoya beat his lil ass
Theres no madness your a shite champ you defended 2 times in 3 days and against no pulse opponants so you cant called yourself a champ.
Good defense against xtreme skills though but thats your only defence.
fight someone with a pulse then see what happens to your title you cant call yourself a champ.
Forum Index » Profile for Ricardo » Messages posted by Ricardo
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