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Messages posted by: Punch Drunk
Forum Index » Profile for Punch Drunk » Messages posted by Punch Drunk
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We now have new champions but in reality nothing has changed. To fix this situation and in order to prevent it happening in OB3D too in future here are my suggestions to fix this.

A) The problem

- Title holders are not defending their titles at all.


- Title holders pick their matches avoiding tough ones resorting to padding.


Why is this such a problem? Well title holders ducking and padding takes the fun and excitement out of the game. This is a major problem although it might not seem like that. In essence when a person acts like this other players first get annoyed and then more annoyed it eventually leading to degeneration of pbase in every way you can imaginate. I call it the Reaper syndrome.

C) Situation in OB3D

There are no titles to be won in OB3D yet so this problem does not exist there yet. However this does not mean that this problem is not likely to exist in OB3D too in future. At least half of the pbase for OB3D come from and will come from OB2D. There is a legit change lamers will bring their lame habits to OB3D too. Not only this but I am fairly sure OB3D will have it's share of new breed of lamers.

C) Situation in OB2D

We have champions in OB2D. This being said here are the facts and an example to illustrate this problem:


- Title holder: Technical boxer.
- Title defenses since 2008-04-24: NONE

Technical Boxer is a typical example of a person not defending his title. As typical for such lamer this person has also been asked for a shot in OBF by multiple persons with enough points for shot and he has both flat out refused and refused offering excuses.

D) The solution

Solution to the problem is simple. There is a need for official rules. We need set rules that are official that state that title holders have an obligation to defend whatever title their are holding set amount times per week or else get stripped. At least hold of these defenses should be against people ranked top 5 in a said room to prevent padding. This is however not enough. We also need penalties for breaking rules to make sure lamers obey the rules.

Suggestion for official title defense rules in both OB2D and OB3D

1. Title holder has an obligation to defend his title at least 6 (or any number you see fit Mikkel) times in week.

2. At least half of these defenses must be against top 5 ranked people of that same room. This is to prevent padding and picking opponents. A good guy wants a match. Well get to top 5 then.

3. Would a title holder fail to fulfill his obligation he is to be stripped and title given to whoever happens to be ranked 1

4. Would a title holder somehow show blatant disregard for these rules and keep causing trouble and extra work for Mikkel a ban of one week for first offence and two weeks for second offence etc. would be in place.

5. Everything that is already in Unofficial title defense rules to be made official with penalties for breaking rules (without penalties kids dont get the point).


We do have unofficial rules for title defenses. I suggest to make those rules official with penalties like ban for week for breaking those rules and then add rules I suggested above. In total this should fix the situation and prevent in from happening in future again in both 2D and 3D. If diving into database is too much of a trouble please consider giving a forum moderator access and responsibility as enforcer of these rules (at least for OB2D).

I would like to box you for any titles you have.

You been called out in a friendly way!
I have been hit on the head too many times but despite that I am back in action.

So dear reader, log on and lets box!
Forum Index » Profile for Punch Drunk » Messages posted by Punch Drunk
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