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Messages posted by: Father
Forum Index » Profile for Father » Messages posted by Father
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Vicious Boxer wrote:fuck all you haters

charlie stfu.

you had your chance but you embarrassed yourself and now you deserve all this bad publicity after all this shit you talked. you're more talk than action punk. seriously, i know girls in my gym that would wipe the floor with you and many of them only weigh about 90 pounds.
EDDIE54 wrote:ur retired none cares bout u

exactly. he needs to just give up this game already. he's embarrased himself enough.

sad thing is that in 10 years when most people here grow up and have real lives, he will probably still be lurking here living out of his momma's basement while using his mouth to clip his fungi infected toenails.
sterlihalla wrote:any1 think technical boxer shud be stripped yet? just to allow people to try win titles without having to fight fatny who only defends his title lol.
xtreme skills doesnt defend much to and vacated title shud be sorted.
Just a few suggestions for the people bored without titles i see alot of people that deserve shots but no champs on.

i thought you retired you sorry piece of shit.
Forum Index » Profile for Father » Messages posted by Father
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