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Messages posted by: Good Fight
Forum Index » Profile for Good Fight » Messages posted by Good Fight
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I retire from PDP.
I'll be online for an hour or two incase anyone wants to box.
no contest and rematch?
32. Most good looking - Tyrant

I just boxed TRPCHE in a PDP match. It was a good one.

Good Fight vs. TRPCHE / Winner: Good Fight via TKO in 9th round.
26. Best Comeback By a Vet - Salvador-Sanchez

27. Biggest Ducker - I do not know and do not care.

28. Fighter W/Most Alts - Fernando Vargas

29. Fastest Hands - Red Viper

30. Biggest Attention Whores - Boon

31. Paper Champion of the Year - I do not know and do not care.
1. Most dominant Fatny

2. Most improved Goldenboy

3. Best up and comer Paul Dion

4. Most overrated I do not know and do not care

5. Most underrated Red Viper/Goldenboy

6. Ko Artist Red Viper

7. Best technical boxer Rocky Marciano/Boxa

8. Best style Fatny

9. Best defence Salvador

10. Most declined Edder

11. Most resilient Red Viper

12. Best trash talker Yacoob

13. Most respected Fatny

14. Most hated I could not care less

15. Least improved I do not know

16. Biggest complainer Boon

17. Fastest rising star Paul Dion

18. Most fights of 08 I do not know.

19. Best slugger Red Viper

20. Wounded tiger. (most dangerous when hurt) Red Viper

21. Best pressure fighting Fatny

22. Most boring style I do not know.

23. Most exciting style Nigel Benn

24. Best rivalry I don't know

25. Next HOFer Black Bear
Take care Yanoob. Ooooppps! I mean to say Yacoob


Good Fight/Rocky Marciano
Take care Black Bear. In my honest opinion you should be added to HOF. In the end you managed to rise to whole new level. You are in all time top 5.


Good Fight/Rocky Marciano

Ps. You'll be back. No one quits OB forever
I'll box Jigsaw tonight provided that he logs on.
The script vacated you just like it vacated Fatny and me. New champ was not crowned due the rankings not having existed. Since you were the one who got vacated you can not get it automatically back.
You are totally wrong and clueless as usual. Script did not take my or Fatnys title as we both defended actively till game went down.

My title is now held by Black Bear which is perfectly fine as it means you failed in your lame attempt at getting free OBC title. However it seems that you are holding Fatnys title which you never won and which he never lost be it due to not defending or losing a title match. That makes you interim title holder till you box him in a title match in that same room.

Also OBA title belongs to Fatny. He had it and was actively defending it.
Trying to get your hands on a title or two for free Reaper...

It is good to see that the game is back. This being said care to please give me my OBC title back Mikkel since I never lost it in any way whatsoever. I defended my title actively winning every single defense and then the game went down and now that is back I dont seem to have my OBC title!?
Forum Index » Profile for Good Fight » Messages posted by Good Fight
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