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Messages posted by: F.F.
Forum Index » Profile for F.F. » Messages posted by F.F.
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And who the hell is that bushy eye browed deformed looking kid?
lol yacoob i'm liking the dennis rodman look...
Hey, its been a while, and I just want to know how 3d is coming along. I haven't been able to come on for about a month since i've been away, so triangle man, dread, tiger, puma or mikkel fill me in...thanks.
great looking trunks oscar, it would also be great to be able to change gear (trunks, gloves and shoes) when we want without having to create a new character. Anyways keep up the great work this game will be amazing when it is conplete
When i try to start 3d as box cmes up that says "game could not be started". Is it only me or is 3d down for everyone else
Yes Mikkel we need more taunts the only thing i can do is put my hands down and shake my head around, which usually gets me brutally koed by dread. By the way dread who is that guy u knocked out in your avatar
Forum Index » Profile for F.F. » Messages posted by F.F.
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