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Messages posted by: Alter Ego
Forum Index » Profile for Alter Ego » Messages posted by Alter Ego
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whats your point? u write books of people on OB but why? whats the point? oh yeah you have no life sorry i forgot BANA BANANANANANANANANANAN fag boy!
lol well i say reaper gets it but yeh I think he should be banned but w,e i really dont care aboout the Tourney title
Yes He sucks blah blah but man he was talking so much trash

BANA BANANA> alter ego didn't i kick ur ass quite a few times?
BANA BANANA> sure did
BANA BANANA> one win quitters
BANA BANANA> you guys are pathetic

* Alter Ego is starting a fight !
* BANA BANANA is starting a fight !
Alter Ego Tko1 BANA BANANA
and he goes down again saying

"come on u cant do it twice"

Alter Ego koed1 Bana Banana
Forum Index » Profile for Alter Ego » Messages posted by Alter Ego
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