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Messages posted by: Gargantua
Forum Index » Profile for Gargantua » Messages posted by Gargantua
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Have you tried to advertise by posting on boxing forums and affiliate yourselves with any of those big names like or etc..?

I could see this game being an "official" game of those forums with their own rankings. I logged on now around 15 times, only twice was someone around to fight. Why aren't thousands playing worldwide man, that's the way it should be. Maybe not many boxing fans know about it?
Jeez.. That's not many people I'm kinda surprised. The game is real good though, very good boxing simulator. But it's unstable at the moment, is it a temp thing or has it always been unstable? It seems to slow down badly, freeze and occasionally crash. Shame because it's a great game when it works right.
I just downloaded this, went online once and had a fight for a few rounds, then it java crashed. Now there's no players online. Is this a bug or just bad timing. How many players are usually playing this game online?
Forum Index » Profile for Gargantua » Messages posted by Gargantua
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