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Messages posted by: BlackBear
Forum Index » Profile for BlackBear » Messages posted by BlackBear
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Lewis, i believe you have the potential to beat top fighters, ive saw your recent form of fights, and they are pretty impressive, keep up the good work and you'll get far.

Good Luck!
BoXa wrote:yeah, to be fair he has me respect winning 2-1 last night

Exactly boxa, so dont say i cant beat you fair and square cos when im on form i can easilly.

Ok ok ray ill let you have your moment

like you did when u ko'd me when i was not there *cough*

How was i to noe u froze or wernt there? not my problem mate, be ready wen u fight me next time if u want to complain.
Ray Johnson wrote:Lucky.. Timing.. Whats the diff?

Ok ok ray ill let you have your moment
that better be a compliment ray cos u noe that was lucky
actually it would be better if we can change the fighters attire before they fight.

used to be a KO king

Not anymore, probley because i cant anymore lol

I always look to win rounds, and counter punch to get the upper hand in rounds.
this is a bad defense fight between me and viper
i cant login, just doesn't load up
HTF wrote:
BlackBear wrote:U aint even the best in ob. U where labeled a PADDER when I was around back in the day.

i didnt say i was the best, but i think im good enough to train someone. was i? i cant remember that, so before you accuse someone get it right.

U where a padder I saw the fights myself. Lucky we cant watch them in todays Ob.

yeah guess we cant, so how can you still say im a padder? and i bet i can beat you in the ring also or give you a good fight, so dont give me your bullshit.
U aint even the best in ob. U where labeled a PADDER when I was around back in the day.

i didnt say i was the best, but i think im good enough to train someone. was i? i cant remember that, so before you accuse someone get it right.
Iam willing to train noobs, i will show you the ropes and how to become one of the best in OB.

Private Message me for advice or if im online ill see you in the ring

Iam hoping to help give more of a challenge for the top fighters by training noobs, and hoping that they will improve.

Black Bear.
el capillo wrote:ban bear

^ lol

all im saying is that i live in a white area and i have never been touched and the place i live in is the roughest area in leicester and yet no one has touched me cos of my colour so thats just bullshit.
BoXa wrote:
BlackBear wrote:is it cos u keep losing boxa?

dont make me post the links of our previous fights

calm down i was only joking with u
i should be on there with 2001 fights.
Forum Index » Profile for BlackBear » Messages posted by BlackBear
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