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Messages posted by: ACR
Forum Index » Profile for ACR » Messages posted by ACR
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i found his posts his name was thegoldenboy
anyone have an idea of who i am talking about.? its bugging me now
themadman wrote:i always felt that i should be in the HOF because, i could beat and still can beat anyone in this game, i been playing since this game came out, just had all kinds of different names because of the pay to play times, everyone fell to my double hook ko, at the time i started it, everyone said that was for noobs and wouldnt use hooks and hated me for it, but in fact in real life im 6ft 230lbs raised a boxer and developed a iron fist and it would only take 1 hook to ko anyone in this game im sure, so i dont understand why people acted like a flying hook was so cheap, when you would lose so much staminia and power for using it and you could get knocked out if you got caught while using it, and i have caught all the best players in this game throughout the years with the double hook ko

i always thought HOF was about legendary people that have beat all the greats in their prime and been in it for a long period of time

i also notice on this game, you can beat someone up over and over and they never give credit where credit is do, if they dont like you, they will never say you are good

I think there are real fighters that play this game.. I remember one guy from a long time ago. i think he would beat you up
Forum Index » Profile for ACR » Messages posted by ACR
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