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Stamina BUG  XML
Forum Index » General discussions
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Joined: 01/08/2007 12:19:07
Messages: 46


What is up with stamina?

I can go out and spam attacks like there is no tomorrow and stamina is hardly effected. Some people are already starting to use some ridiculous tactics.

Mikkel please fix the stamina bug.

OB ID: Unpredictable
OB Champion: 0 times.
Join Date: unknown
Class: B++
Status: ACTIVE
Aggressive Style: Power slugging, precision punching
Defensive Style: Counter attack, the stupid Ray Jhonsson defence
Gym: none
Sig Style: Unpredictable
Ducks: None
Rivals: Boxa, Larry Holmes
Punching bags: Reaper
Current power ranking: 6th.

Joined: 01/08/2007 12:19:07
Messages: 46

well stamina seems to actually go down a bit but just magically refills to full after each round or something


OB ID: Unpredictable
OB Champion: 0 times.
Join Date: unknown
Class: B++
Status: ACTIVE
Aggressive Style: Power slugging, precision punching
Defensive Style: Counter attack, the stupid Ray Jhonsson defence
Gym: none
Sig Style: Unpredictable
Ducks: None
Rivals: Boxa, Larry Holmes
Punching bags: Reaper
Current power ranking: 6th.

Joined: 18/04/2006 06:15:39
Messages: 1584

It will be fixed

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