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I cant type in my username and my password to log in to the game after i updated it  XML
Forum Index » Technical issues
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Joined: 01/08/2007 21:14:32
Messages: 27

After I updated my game, it changed the look of the log in box and for some reason I can't get the letters to show up when I type them in and I can't log in, is there something that I am doing wrong or could this be fixed, thanks

Best Wins: USA, Ye Man, and P4P- Cassius Clay

jens, kos, and kuya fight team!
Jens Oso


Joined: 31/07/2007 11:38:45
Messages: 274
Location: 916

haha kos read this rite here

also check out our new team signature

Status: Active
Accounts: Jon Oso, Jens Oso
Gym: ChuteBoxe
Date Joined: 03-04-2007
Championships: 2 time OBF Champion and Former OBA Champion
#19 Jens Oso
Status: Inactive
Accounts: Jens Pulver
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