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Round timer  XML
Forum Index » Technical issues
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Shanghai Kid


Joined: 05/12/2007 16:42:30
Messages: 51
Location: Pyhäjärvi, Finland

I installed the newest patch to OB3D, and now in almost every match the round timer runs too fast! Like 3 match seconds in one second in real life That bugs me like hell I got around 60-300fps and ping is usually 147-247, So I don't think that ping or fps affects the timer

Shanghai Kid


Joined: 05/12/2007 16:42:30
Messages: 51
Location: Pyhäjärvi, Finland

Why everyone ignores my post goddamnit?!

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 15/02/2008 17:16:42



Joined: 18/04/2006 11:32:59
Messages: 408
Location: North Jersey

147-247 ping is kind of not good, anything over 120 is bad

Shanghai Kid


Joined: 05/12/2007 16:42:30
Messages: 51
Location: Pyhäjärvi, Finland

I know, but I haven't ever seen ping under 100 in Ob3d

Ray Johnson


Joined: 10/01/2007 13:36:12
Messages: 1983

Well apparantly ping only effects the response and not the speed so ping isn't your problem. Are you talking about Multiplayer or Heavybag/test?
Shanghai Kid


Joined: 05/12/2007 16:42:30
Messages: 51
Location: Pyhäjärvi, Finland

Multiplayer, is there timer in the heavybag? And another problem I have noticed is that my leg gets stuck in the ground in multiplayer, so I can't move for a moment

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