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A Message to Stone Cold  XML
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Red Viper


Joined: 19/04/2006 14:08:34
Messages: 603

Heres all the bullshit that he said between our conversation between me and him after i beaten him the second time today.

Stone Cold> hmm I would say I owned you
Red Viper> you should of gotten up from that
Stone Cold> you just get a lucky combo after your oppenent gets too comfortable
Stone Cold> noticing you have no boxing skills
Red Viper> so look at my record
Stone Cold> you koed some noobs
Red Viper> and you
Stone Cold> pfff
Stone Cold> I owned you and you know it
Red Viper> then show me again
Red Viper> so back it up
Stone Cold> you had like no change other than lucky hit
Stone Cold> which you got
Challenge from Stone Cold
Stone Cold> ok this will be easy
Red Viper> back your words up and prove me wrong
Stone Cold> well accept
Challenge Accepted
Stone Cold is Starting a fight
Red Viper is Starting a fight
Stone Cold> and i will own you again
Red Viper TKO'ed Stone Cold in 6
Red Viper> now shut the fuck up

Stone Cold, you really need to shut the hell up because none of your bullshit is true. Your words never back up anything, because you are wrong. Next time you trash talk to me you stupid little punk, you better think twice what you say or i will keep proving you wrong. So what i don't box, i can still kick your ass, and i have proved that the last two days i have fought you.

Also you need to stop overlooking me because it will make you a fool out of yourself, and plus i am lot better than you think i am. You think all the people I have ko'ed is noobs, yeah right. I have KO'ed many great fighters during my career, especially this week. You have not owned me at all like you said you would. Every fight we have fought this week, i have given you trouble, and you lost to me 5 out of 7 times.

You and your brother both have similar styles, but the only difference is your defence is worse than his. In the near future, i don't need your stupid adivices. Next time you lose to me, don't act like a three year old bitch or disrespect me like you did today. If you do that crap again, i will disrespect you. If your going to reply to this, don't post anything stupid, and you defiantly know who won this argument, and it is not you.

Here is a prime example, i will post my two out of the three wins i did against him today.

Body Shot KO-

He is just standing there like an idiot, and then I KO'ed him with an eight body shot combo to his ribs. No offence Stone Cold, your body defence is really bad.

The fight after he acts cocky online-

Turing point of the fight- Me knocking him down with another body shot combo in the 5th round , and that led to my victory against him with 37 seconds left in the 6th round.

You were winning until you choked after the 5th round into the 6th, where I TKO'ed you and my pressure sliced through your defence really easily. You should be embarrassed after this loss because of your huge ego before that fight and you know who is the better fighter.
6 time OBW Champ
5 time OBA Champ
4 time SA Champ
3 time OBF Champ
2 time NA Champ
2 time OBC Champ
Number One KO Artist in OB
Wins- 4057
Losses- 1537
KO's- 4018
5 year veteran
A.K.A.- Nick P., Nick Bomb, Texan Red Wolf, Dallas Bomber, The Scorpion King, Iron Dragon, The Red Destroyer, and The Barbarian
OB Name- Red Viper

This message was edited 14 times. Last update was at 11/04/2008 21:33:57

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Was one of the minority that broke Rocky Marciano's defense in half.

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If you had not committed great sins,
God would not have sent a punishment like me upon you- Genghis Khan

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Joined: 15/08/2007 12:45:05
Messages: 1254

nice man yeh hes an idiot tooo when he loses he creayes a new alt i koed him to thats why i know

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